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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

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Shinso ile binlerce yıl yaşayabildiğin bir evrende Kallavan kadar yüksek seviyedeki birine geçmeyecek bir yara açmak çok zordur. Hani bir gün olmasa bir ay bir ay olmasa bir yıl içinde o yarayı atlatır bu seviyedeki karakterler. Elder da böğrüne mızrak yedi kocaman delik açıldı, Yama'yı oklarla başka yere yollayıp yaramı iyileştireyim diyordu. Demem o ki o tarz yaralar uzun sürelerde yüksek seviye kişiler için bir anlam ifade etmiyor, savaş içinde kendilerini iyileştiremeyecekleri durumlarda önemlidir ancak.
Kedi gibi olan yaratığın üstündeki sahış kim anlayamadım? Önceden bahsedildiyse veya bilgisi olan varmı ben hatırlayamadım?


The Walls of Peace and Harmony 01

Gado and Canzon: "Why is that leg... over there?"

Baam: (The time is now!)

G:" Where are you going, Slayer Candidate?"

C: Keuk! G-gado!!

G: (OW! This shot!!)

J: "Sir Zon, are you alright?"

G: (Jorden...)

C: "I am fine!! Protect the Slayer Candidate!"

G: You're making things very annoying!

Doom: Keuk!

B: Mr. Doom! Calm down! I'm here to help you!

D: Shut up! What can a mere whelp like you do to help me!

B: L-Lo Po Bia Yasraccia!! When you tried to force the Hounborn power into me, I saw your past! You have a grudge against the 10 families! I too wish to fight Zahard! We may face the same enemies as you! Will you for this once trust me? (I'm not sure if touching Doom('s ripped chest) will actually remove the Spell on him, but if I have the ability to undo Spells, I must...)

D: (What? It can't be! The pain... it's gone!!)

G: No Lord Doom! You mustn't awaken right now! You must become a puppet king under a spell! The Houndborn need no king like you! (Doom: wat?) I will make the world for the Houndborn to be happy! A world where my son Louie an be accepted as a Houndborn! A world that isn't defined by bloodlines and power for the Houndborn! I will- [gets skewered]

D: I don't know what the hell you want, but do you think that you can just change the entire fate of our race on your own? To the Houndborn, competition and power is innate. Even I cannot change it. The current society of the Houndborn was forged by no other than the Houndborn themselves. You want to change it simply because it doesn't fit your definition? You are truly one more arrogant than god.

C: Gado!

G: Slayer Candidate, I promised to you that I will let you know where Dang Dang's real heart is if I fell, and well, I fell, so I will tell you. Dang Dang's real heart is in Louie.

B: What?

G: Long time ago, in order to save my son Louie, I gave Dang Dang's heart to him. My true son is Louie.

B: Wat? Louie's your real son?

G: Yes, if you give Louie's heart back to Dang Dang, Dang Dang may be able to live. But Louie would die. I chose Louie's life between the two. (Louie: Dang Dang?) and I thought it was their fate. What decision would you have made? Answer me, god! If it was you, would you doom Louie and save Dang Dang? I drove Dang Dang and the Houndborn to death to save my son! But I thought it was for the Cage! If I was wrong, what choice should have I made? If you seek to reverse their fates and leave Louie to die, what does that make you compared to me? (L: Dang Dang!) Please oh my god, answer me this.....

[A few years ago]

DD: Father! Please listen to me!! Father!! Louie is my friend! Please don't let the other Houndborn bother him! They're bullying him for having human ears!

G: .... Alright. I'll see what I can do.

DD: Really? Thank you father!

G: But you must focus on your training. So you can help those weaker than you.

DD: Yes, father!

G: Louie?

L: Yes sir? I'm-

G: It is good to see you two be friends.

L: R-rreally?! May be friends with young master?!

G: ... yes. Please be a good friend to Dang Dang. Let's go.

DD: Yes father!

L: Thank you! Thank you sir!! Thank you!

G: I'm sorry Dang Dang, Louie

Yama: Where the hell am I? Dafuq did Elder do to me?

Guy who gon get rofled soon: Who... who is he, a high ranker? Hey! Where'd you come from?

Y: ... The walls! Kel you fucker! Did you send me to the Walls of Pecae and Harmony?

Observer: Excuse me, are you a Houndborn sent by Lord Kel Hellam?

Y: You know him? Get me on speed dial right now to his pocket! Take me back to the Cage now, or I'll find hunt him down and kill him! NAO OR YOU DIE!!!!!

Chairman: Well, there seems to be a problem. Did Lord Kel Hellam fail to gain the help of the Houndborn?

Y: If you lay a finger on my cage I will fucking murder you all!!

Chairman: This is problematic. This Houndborn looks pretty powerful, what do I do?

Y: Call him now!!

CM: Lord Kel Hellam has not contacted me, but it must have been he who sent him. What fate did he see to send him here?

Ship: You! Identify yourself! This is the Zone of Peace and Harmony. The Zone forbids outsiders! Exit immediately!

Y: Just what I wanted.... but are you supposed to be here?

Soon-to-be-dead: I am a Captain in the 2nd Division, 5th Corps of Zahard Army, on Royal decree. If you wish to exit this place now, we will perform a basic identification and escort you out!

Y: ... Zahard Army? "ZAHRD ARMY?!"

not-yet-Dead guy: ?

Mothership Aquilla

"Praiseth! Praiseth the Great Cats of House Lo Po Bia! And praiseth be the greatest and the handsomest of all!! Lord Lo Po Bia Yasraccia! Praise him!! Praise him always!!" - Ranker Tu Ra, a Goat-human slave of Yasraccia

TR: (Yasraccia! The sworn enemy of our kind! I shall kill you one day!) Praise him! (I MUST!!)

YR: Ara? Does my nose deceive me? Or do I smell dog?

Elsewhere in the Tower.

Walls of Peace and Harmony

High Ranker Kallavan
"The walls of Peace and Harmony... Harmony only seeds chaos and cannot bring peace. Those who oppose King Zahard's will have created a foolish name for a wall. I want to destroy this wall soon.

Shinso ile binlerce yıl yaşayabildiğin bir evrende Kallavan kadar yüksek seviyedeki birine geçmeyecek bir yara açmak çok zordur. Hani bir gün olmasa bir ay bir ay olmasa bir yıl içinde o yarayı atlatır bu seviyedeki karakterler. Elder da böğrüne mızrak yedi kocaman delik açıldı, Yama'yı oklarla başka yere yollayıp yaramı iyileştireyim diyordu. Demem o ki o tarz yaralar uzun sürelerde yüksek seviye kişiler için bir anlam ifade etmiyor, savaş içinde kendilerini iyileştiremeyecekleri durumlarda önemlidir ancak.
Kallavanın sol kolunda zırh gibi birşey var arkadan bağlı kullanamıyor gibi o kolu,kalıcı hasar ihtimali bence olabilir.Çünkü hem ustasının final tekniğiyle hasar aldı hemde baam hasarı artırmış olabilir.
Benim merak ettiğim daha doğrusu tam anlayamadığım bu duvar muhabbeti nedir,kallavan yıkmak istiyor gibi sebebi bilen var mı?
Sanırım zamanında oraya zahard yanlısı veya o zamanki savasta yer alan güclü savaşcılar barış göstergesi olarak duvara mühürlenmiş zahard tarafından. Onları serbest bırakacaklar galiba...
Benim merak ettiğim daha doğrusu tam anlayamadığım bu duvar muhabbeti nedir,kallavan yıkmak istiyor gibi sebebi bilen var mı?
Eski çağlarda Zahard'a karşı savaşan antik canavarların savaşı bitirmek için barış antlaşması namına kendilerini bile isteye uyutturdukları\mühürlettikleri yer. Tabii bu Kel Hellam'ın verdiği, tasdiklenmemiş bir malûmat.

Bu Konuya Bakmış Kullanıcılar (Üye: 3, Ziyaretçi: 3)

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