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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma


Chairman’s Observer: L-Lord Kel Hellam!! You’re finally here!! (K HL: Rahim!) I wondered why you sent a lone houndborn here!!

Zon: Lord Yama, Lord Yama, are you alright?

Yama: Zon! What happened? Why are you coming here with the Elder? Are you being controlled by him?!

Zon: No! We simply allied ourselves with them to come to your aid, sir!

Yama: What? Ally?!

Zon: Yes! Sir, why are you laying down like that right now? Did someone dare-

Jorden(?): What are you saying, Lord Zon? He must have been taking a well earned rest!

Zon: But isn’t that a face of defea-

Jorden: No! Lord Yama must have been napping! Those bruises are self inflicted in order to wake himself up! (Y: Please stop, you’re embarrasing me, even though you’re right)

Z: Y.. yeah, you must be right. But still! This is no place for a nap sir!

Jorden: Yes Lord Yama! You must arise!

Z: you can do it!! (Yama: Please go away)

Yas: (Is that… Do my eyes deceive me?) It’s been a long time Doom! I thought you were imprisoned, did you finally wake up? (I see your fangs are missing)

D: He knows me! I’m right. It’s Yasracia!! He was in Zahard’s Army? Ths is bad!!


Yama: What is it Doom?

Doom: Get the Houndborn as far away from him as possible! Do it now!


Z: What is this…!?

Kel: What? What are you talking about, Doom?

D: Fuck! Yasracia! Yasracia can control the Houndborn freely at his will!!

Kel(?): What!?

Yama: Zon attacked me! Stop that Zon! Jorden you too! All the Houndborn are acting weird!! What the hell is going on!!

Kel: !! What? What indeed is going on here? Did someone predict that I would bring the Houndborn here ahead of time and put that one here? Are all the fates that I saw from…?

Evankhell: Damn, this is a mess!! The Houndborn are being controlled! Is it because of him?!

[Rare Orb: Blaze]

E: My attack, blocked! If only I can take care of you, it seems that the Houndborn will return to normal..!

Yas: You’re correct, but are you able to actually follow through?

E: I can try!!

Yas: Amazingly Violent, but the flame is without the class of a Yeon.

E: Class be damned!

Yas: Sic him boys!

E: You.. you bastard! What is this such cowardly tactic!!

Yama: Get out of the way Zon! Zon!

Yas: Burn him alive, and I will fight you myself. Or can you not?

E: Keuk… this bastard!!

Yas: You disappoint me. That would have been fun.

E: You sadist!

Yama: Stop! Stop causing so much trouble. If you want to control the Houndborn, fight me fairly! For I am the King of the Dogs


Kallavan’s Area, Walls of Peace and Harmony

Observer: You want to enlist in the Wallsguard?

Kallavan: Yes.

Observer: Who are you? How do you know this place?

Kv: I know. I was an officer in Zahard’s Army but I have been demoted to a common soldier. I don’t like that. I want to fight Zahard’s armies now.

Ob: Zahard’s Army? Do you think we take in the words of a deserter? And we do not fight here!!

Kv: I have skill. I hear that you are short manpower.

Ob: That is true, but...Well come in first.


A few years ago, after the Battle of the Final Station

Flagship, Army Central Command

“Sentenced toa Seal of Oath on the Left hand, Demoted to a common enlisted soldier! A Corps Commander was defeated in battle and this is the only punishment!! The only reason the punishment is this soft is because the General of the Army has a soft spot for you! Be grateful and serve dutifully!” - Ke-Sa the Angry, Minister of Defense

Kallavan: Yes sir. Despite my failure as a Corps Commander, I have been moved here with an understanding that there is a mission for a common soldier here for me. I am grateful for giving me another chance.

KS: Yes! There is a mission for you. From The GA himself. But you are not the only one on this mission. It’s been a while since I have seen you in Central.

KV: You are!! 5th Corps Commander Yasracia!!

Ys: Kallavan. I heard you were demoted on the field. What am I even supposed to call you now?

Kv: You call me Kallavan, sir.

Ys: As you were. Relax relax, you’ll be back here in no time.

KS: You’ve heard the mission briefing, Mr. Yasracia?

Ys: The Walls of Peace and Harmony?

KS: Yes yes! The walls of Peace and Harmony, standing ever since the end of the age of Genesis and war. You are two destroy two portions of the walls and releasing the seal on the old war heroes that lie asleep within. Of course, they will be powerful enemies! You must awaken and defeat them, or if too difficult, kill them!

KV: (The Twenty-Fifth Baam… As long as Mr. Ha Jinsung is imprisoned, that boy will approach me in power no matter what it takes for him. Even though small, a voice of truth tells me that -)



KV: (-I should be excited. For how much he’s grown.) (Infiltration begins…)

Near the walls, a nameless cave

Baam: This is where Kallavan is.

Var ya ellerine sağlık hepsi için.

Şimdi Kallavan ve kedi duvarı yıkıp içindekileri yenmeli ve ya öldürmeli. Duvara hapsedilenler Fug dan mıydı? Bu duvarın anlamı ve amacı tam olarak ne acaba.
Son düzenleme:
Oha işler ciddileşmiyor mu? Bildiğin herkes baamın etrafın toplanmasın diye savaş çıkarmak niyetindeler.Daha seviyeci halini göremeden yüklenen misyona bak. Kallavanın asıl niyetide belli değil adam bildiğin firar ediyor.Bizim üçlü ne yapabilir bunların arasında.
Var ya ellerine sağlık hepsi için.

Şimdi Kallavan ve kedi duvarı yıkıp içindekileri yenmeli ve ya öldürmeli. Duvara hapsedilenler Fug dan mıydı? Bu duvarın anlamı ve amacı tam olarak ne acaba.
Anladığım kadarıyla eski zamanda savaş zamanı, zahard karşıtları barış göstergesi olarak kendini bu duvara mühürlemiş.He benim kafamdaki ileriki zamanlarda tekrar savaşmaya fırsat bulabilmek için kendini mühürlemiş olabilicekleri.
Baam eger Kallavan'i yenebilecek bir guce eristiyse, bu onun aile liderlerinin veri hallerindekine esit bir guce geldigini gosteriyor bence. Baam'in bunca guc ile birlikte bir aile liderinin ancak baslangic seviyesine gelebildigini dusunmek mantiksiz olmaz sanirim.

Ne demek eşit? Eski hali veri zahardın kolunu koparmışken şimdi güle oynaya alır diken açınca.
Arlen mi gözüktü ya discordda sürekli arlen muhabbeti var.Ölümsüz olan arlen gözükürse anlatılırsa yada baam canlandıktan sonra ne yaptığı anlatılırsa on numara olur.İngilizce çevirisini bulabilen var mı acaba?

[Near the Warp Zone, 52F]
Hockney: i guess this was a miss again. Sorry, I thought this time we had it for sure, guess I was wrong.
Without it we can't find the Thorn...
Snekrie: Attention! (H: It's the snaje guy!) Captain just informed us that Jyu Viole Grace has moved to another floor, and survival there is mission critical. We must follow him! Let's gooooo [h: i need to teach you a lesson on manners]
Kaiser: hey!
??: aaaaah! what how youre driving!
H: is this the work of a science degree?

[Near the fortress, a nameless cavern]
Shibisu: don't worry about me, I'll be watching the ship. I want to tag along, but someones gotta stay behind. When things get hot call me so I can snatch you guys out.
Hatsu: We're just leaving the weakest member behind why are you being so serious about it
Sbs: Shut up and get outta here! I'm sending all your calls straight to voicemail
K: the walls seem close because they're so big, but we're going to be coming in early morning tomorrow from this distance. We can't have any Zahard forces seeing us. And remember, we're not here to fight Kallavan. We need to let the garrison know that Kallavan's coming, stop Kallavan, and if possible forgive it where Ha Jinsung is. Alright Baam? (Let's be careful)(yes, Mr. Khun) Kel Hellam also sent a data packet about the warrior sealed within. She's a powerful warrior who chose herself to be sealed for the sake of peace. There's less risk compared to their garrison even if the seal is released. I guess whoevers on that side is more dangerous. Although priority is to prevent the seal from being presented, working with her is an option if she is released. White, you're helping us, right?
W: i shall. I sat on the Slayer Throne, and i want to see the monster grow (and I can eat him if I want to)
K: let's go
SBS: Have fun, stay safe!
SBS: Kallavan... I hope they make it back alright.
Myan, you feel sick? You throwing up? A human?
So-oh/sowo: I hate riding this thing. Where is everyone else?

[52F The Walls of the Forget-me-Not]
[Fortress of Peace and Harmony]
[Garrison downtown]
[Prior to arrival]
"Executive officer, did you find out, sir?"
"Speak freely command- Kallavan!"
"I cannot. You must follow the law. This would be disrespectful to the incoming corps commander as well."
"Did you find the info?"
"Yes. There's not much however. She was a war hero who chose to be sealed to end the war. She also had the memories of everyone at the walls erased besides one. An incredible ability for sure. It may be a challenge for you to fight her one handed".
"No matter, this is a promise with King Zahard himself. I will abide by life... anything else"
"Every garrison has one designated person with a mark that can undo the seal. In this case her name is Canne, younger sister to the hero. She is the only one who retains her memories."
"So i must find her..."
Tour Guide: So I'm not sure what you were expecting, but we're not too much of anything, sorry to disappoint. We're not any anti-Zahard force but rather a police force. Breaking through here just means more chaos, so zahard's forces don't attack here. Other garrisons retain their memories so they may have a bigger sense of duty, but ours is loose and we just want everyone to get along. Many actually got out. Not a lot of powerful rankers like you remain. Wait where the f'd you go?

[Center of Garrison, Seal Tower]
Canne: why aren't you letting me in?
Guard: intruders are about, according to higher up. Even for you I cannot grant entry. Please be patient until this intruder is caught.
Canne: i come here everyday, why does the intruder even matter. She's my sister! She chose to be sealed. This is my way of seeing her daily, this is all I can do.
[Sister to the Sealed, Canne]
Guard: even still I cannot. Please turn back
[Tower Guard Ranker Tonki]
Also, it's been a long time since the seal was made. For us this is our job, but shouldn't you let her go? You're the only one that remembers. Her return means the end to the walls of peace and harmony.
Canne: I know.
[East Garrison, Control Tower Data Center]
Kalla: only one named Canne in the walls. Location found. Now to convince her. That's her prison, huh? I'm not very good at talking to people without using force...
[Few hours later, Canne's house]
???: I already made my decision, Canne. I want to go see everyone peace and harmony. I'm going to end the war.
Canne: but if you do that!
???: while I stand you know I must fight them, you know? Please let me go, won't you?
Kalla: so it's you, the younger sister of the sealed one.
Canne: who are you? The intruder that Tonki mentioned?
K: your intuition is good, I am here to awaken your sister.
C: why?
K: apparently the age of peace and harmony is going to end. That probably means an age of warriors is coming. Do you not want to see her?
C: no. Go away. I don't know who you are or why, but I made a promise. I'm also don't trust someone dangerous like you.
K: even if you don't get to see her again?
C: yes, it's what she would want. She didn't want any fights here. Please disappear before I report you.
K: understood. I cannot force this anyway. I'll leave a pocket link. If you change your mind let me know.
C: sorry, she's not waiting for you.

Canne: So I'm never going to be able to see you again?
???: never say never.
C: then when can you come back?
??: teacher said that there is someone who escaped the Tower after the age of climbing. Her and his story... how FUG came to be. Teacher said her child may return to the Tower once day. If you see him, can you please wake me up?
[Next morning]
B: what? You can't let us in?
Tour Guide: this is no amusement park, stop asking for admission.
B: we just want to h-
TG: shut up! We let someone like you in yesterday and now 10 people are dead. You're just like him aren't you
B: mr. Khun!
K: yep he got here first.
B: were here to stop him, he's dangerous
TG: no, way, you c-class regulars
B: I am Slayer Candidate Jue Viole Grace. Now do you trust mr.?
TG: come in
B: da hec
Ranker del lete: We're arresting you for trespassing.
B: wait that's illegal
Delete: no outsider influence is wanted, Fug or Zahard. You're staying in jail until we capture him too.

Meanwhile, memorial park
C: sorry, older sister. I almost fell for his word yesterday. I should have reported. Well, i cant go today again, but I'll leave some of your favorite flowers at your memorial park
Townspeople: booo, intruders, incoming Zahard army, its all because of your, why do we have to pay for your actions? This isn't for a hero, this is for someone whose doomed it's all
???: they're making me a statue, yay
Canne: not yay, you could be trapped forever!
???: i may not like it, but at least if people find peace, isn't that what matters?
Canne: should hold back
Kalla: no. Regardless of sides respect your ancestors. *yeet*
Townsfolk: intruder!
Kalla: this isnt for you, but for my principles. But is this what your sister wanted?

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