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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Sonuçta baam öyle yada böyle hep sürükleniyor, rachelin peşinden koştu, fug tarafından kaçırıldı, arkadaşları kaç kez rehin alındı, tehdit görüldü savaşa sürüklendi, kaçtı, ustası esir alındı şimdi onu kurtarmaya çalışıyor ve dedilerki senin yüzünden kocaman bir savaş çıkıp insanlar ölecek.Baam geçen sezonlarda kendini keşfetti diyebiliriz.Ben benimdir dedi ve yürüdüğü yolu çizdi, güçlenmeye başladı.Artık güce ihtiyaç duymasıyla bile belli güçler kazanmaya başladı.Kendinin ne olduğunu kavradı ama motivasyonu ne olucak artık.Cha ve dowonla konuşan çoçuk, dowonu düşman chayı müttefik yaptırdı.İki sevgili savaşta savaşacak baamın bundan etkilenmeme ihtimali yok.Şu an kader baamın yolunu değiştirmekle mümkün olucak bunuda en iyi yapabilen rachel. Rachel ve Baam ikisi başlangıçtada birlikteydi kulenin tepesindede öyle olucak... YA kusura bakmayın resmen içimi dökmüşüm çok çok uzun olmuş:/
Sonuçta baam öyle yada böyle hep sürükleniyor, rachelin peşinden koştu, fug tarafından kaçırıldı, arkadaşları kaç kez rehin alındı, tehdit görüldü savaşa sürüklendi, kaçtı, ustası esir alındı şimdi onu kurtarmaya çalışıyor ve dedilerki senin yüzünden kocaman bir savaş çıkıp insanlar ölecek.Baam geçen sezonlarda kendini keşfetti diyebiliriz.Ben benimdir dedi ve yürüdüğü yolu çizdi, güçlenmeye başladı.Artık güce ihtiyaç duymasıyla bile belli güçler kazanmaya başladı.Kendinin ne olduğunu kavradı ama motivasyonu ne olucak artık.Cha ve dowonla konuşan çoçuk, dowonu düşman chayı müttefik yaptırdı.İki sevgili savaşta savaşacak baamın bundan etkilenmeme ihtimali yok.Şu an kader baamın yolunu değiştirmekle mümkün olucak bunuda en iyi yapabilen rachel. Rachel ve Baam ikisi başlangıçtada birlikteydi kulenin tepesindede öyle olucak... YA kusura bakmayın resmen içimi dökmüşüm çok çok uzun olmuş:/
baam her şeyden önce kendini öldüren kişiden kişisel intikamını alsın.
Renkli cizimler cok iyilesmis

baam aslında prensese
"fuga gel seni özgürleştireyim bedava sex var" dese hepsini kendi yanına çekerdi.
????: The Irregular, you've readdy did show up. To think that you would come on your own where two whole Armies(Corps) are at... "Let's get our jobs back, Mr. Charlie!"
Charlie: Yes Vice Priestess Maam!
Baam: !
Charlie: Hello, Irregular. Long time no see.

[Altar Management Employee (Former), Ranker Charlie]

Charlie: You went viral these days, you know? Beating a whole test Ranker...
Baam: This guy... I fought him at the Last Station!

[Tower of God: 52F -Nest 04-]

[Beyond the First Wall, 4h Army Mothership]

???: All forces under the 4th Army have been rallied within the 1st defensive walls, and the 5th Army behind the 2nd defensive wallls, according to reports, sir. Until the enemy is spotted, all personnel are to be on standby, ready for a full war...
???: yeah, yeah, got it. At least keep them disciplined? With this much force gathered, anyone could end up lowering their guard.
Div.Co. Luchi: Instead, how about you show me around the ship, Lieutenant Colonel? I just got here, so I don't know the ship too well...
LTC ???: Uhh, apologies sir, but I follow a separate chain of command, so I have other duties to attend t-
Luchi: Is that so? I am a whole Division Commander and I am not even authorized to do that? (Don't be like that) How about you come work for me now?
LTC: I appreciate the offer, but I cannot do that sir, I'm just an adjutant...
Ha Cheonhi: Fraternization with the those of the opposite gender is grounds for military tribunal Division Commander Luchi.
Luchi: Tsk
LTC: Division Commander Ha Cheonhi!
HCH: There's already a lot of rumors going on about how you got to this post on personal favors. Wandering the ship with just a female subordinate with you? You must be out of your mind!
Luchi: My apologies, I just wanted someone to give me a tour around the ship because I'm still new, I didn't mean anything by it
HCH: Do you not know that we're preparing for wartime-level alert? You should have already memorized by heart the structure of the vessel.
Luchi: That... that is true.
HCH: When you are done here, return to your work space. Don't think this little down time means you're free from being on alert.
Luchi: Wartime my ass. Who would be stupid enough to charge in here? The war's been over, and the 10 Families and Zahard rule the Tower absolutely. Only the Workshop and Wolhaiksong would have even a sliver of power enough to stand up against them, and they don't care about Tower Politics. There's no way there would be someone dumb enough to declare war on Zahard anymore.

[Beyond the Third Wall]

[Entrance to the Nest]

Yas: What is Commander in Chief thinking? After the "Grand Assault", there has hardly been any major battles involving even one Army, and now to think that two whole armies have been gathered here... What's so special about that irregular anyway...
Maschenny: He is special. He escaped from thy 4th Army successfully, and he recently defeated a Ranker as a Regular officially There are rumors goign around that the Elders and the Slayers of FUG are moving to rally around him.
Yas: So what, even if the entire FUG gathered around, they won't be a match for Royal Zahard Army. Did I not drive that Slayer Yama to near annihilation recently?
Mas: Annihilate... Why would you say something so confidant yet so uncertain? Commander of the 4th Army Raivolic?
Raivolic: The Houndborn will not cower at that kind of a display of force. If anything, this could easily backfire by empowering them to help the Slayer Candidate instead.
Yas: Are you saying I made a mistake? May I remind you that the order to fall back was from Central Command itself.
Raivolic: Objectively speaking, sure... But you could have finished him off before the retreat.
Yas: (He got here using favors and he's the one telling me off? How arrogant. All I know about that man is that he was in a unit directly under the Commander in Chief his past and accomplishments are all veiled. What is the Commander in Chief thinking, sending him here...)
Mas: Well, Army commanders, what is the past is in the past. We have two whole Armies here, and I am ready to feast upon the enemy when they arrive. If information is getting out like the Commander predicted and enemies are gathering as a result of it, that's only good news for us. In fact, the bigger concern is the Ten Families. We requested support for this battle from other families, but only one family, Lo Po Bia has actually sent a meaningful force.
Yas: Our Family Head has always been exceptionally loyal to the crown, so we shouldn't be considered the norm. Isn't it weird for the other Families to actually do help up? Although I do hear rumors about how Po Bidau and Ha family are upto something these days...
Mas: Yes. Actually, this was a test, seeing how the other families would react to a call for assistance in the battle. All of this FUG on the move, division among the Ten Families. All from the arrival of the Boy. If we stop him now, everything will be back to normal. But if not...
?????: Princess Maschenny! Rankers beyond the 1st Wall have detected an unidentified vessel land, and are currently engaging those on the vessel. But the only ones on the ship are the Slayer Candidate, and a companion. Just two!
Mas: What? Just two?

Charlie: So I hear you beat the Test Ranker? To think someone that should be in hiding actually drawing more attention to himself... You know the average Ranker everywhere now hate you for tarnishing the name Ranker, right?
Hwaryeon: You're famous now, congratulations!
Baam: This was NOT the fame I was thinking about Miss Hwaryeon! (and you're the one who told me to do it!)
Hwa: (Oh, you mean Khun, cuz he was the one who started it)
Charlie: I lost my job, and while trying to hunt you down, I haven't been able to even go to my hairstylist, and you decide to go adding utter bullshit on your resume! How could I let this slide! I really want to fucking kill you right now!
Baam: Good. I needed the warm up before I wrecked the walls.

[White Light: Noise]

Baam: Not this time!


Charlie: You neutralized it so easily! You still have that crazy talent... How about we go into the melee that you hate so much now?
Hwa: Viole, that's a poisoned needle! It's a Ranker-Tier item, so even a slight scratch will poison you! Be careful!
Baam: Poison...
Hwa: also, don't worry about me when you fight. Idiots like those don't go for pretty ones like me.
Baam: How nice!

[Partial Metamorphosis]

Charlie: Oh, you have a good eye! I am a gentleman!
Baam: Gentlemen don't use things like poison you know! (Also you know she dissed you, right mister?)
Charlie: Good! A hit! This is the end for you now!


Charlie: What? He stopped the poison? What the hell is going on with this kid? KEUK! I see no openings! Because of that red sword thing, his melee is noticeably improved, and most poisons or special attacks won't work on him now. At least before, even though he was strong he had a lot of openings because he was still inexperienced, but I don't see that any more!
Baam: (That was close. If Ms. Hwaryeon didn't tell me about the poison earlier i would have been already finished.)
Charlie: He covered up his weaknesses since I last saw him.
B: Ms. Hwaryeon?
Hwa: (Right now, soldiers on the other side of the walls should be watching the battle right now too. It is the weekend, but they're still on alert. What's going on here would be going viral right now at an unstoppable rate. We successfully distracted them from the start.

Soldiers: Really, so that's the Irregular? He's really fighting head to head with that Ranker! Did he really come alone? It's true that the Slayer Candidate really beat a Ranker.
Luchi: Is... he for real? We may be far away, but surely he must be feeling it.

Hwaryeon: You may be watching from the distance, but they must feel it Although right now you may be bigger and more numerous, but compared to the potential within the boy, you are all anchovies before a shark.
Vice Priestess: Mr. Charlie, this battle is being broadcast live to the rest of the two armies. If you don't beat him now, you're going to be shamed for the rest of your life!
Charlie: Of course. I will defeat him, whatever it takes.
Baam: We should move before more arrive. Is it time yet?
Hwa: Well, almost... actually, there were a few that came here before us.
Baam: What?
Hwa: They just aren't visible yet. I actually met up with Yu Hansung for a plan. I told a few of them to come ahead of us and setup an ambush around the enemy. (And also gave them warp coordinates in the process). It seems Yu Hansung used Madorako's ship to make an invisible ship. It's not perfect, but because you bought some time for them, they were likely able to get much closer to the enemy than anticipated. And the time is now.

Soldier 1: !! Collision on the left flank!
Soldier 2: What? What happened! There was nothing on the detection system!
Soldier 1: Invisible mode! They were moving while cloaked!
Soldier 2: A cloak good enough to be undetected from this distance? Who is it!
Soldier 1: Identified! Slayer Karaka, sir!
Soldier 3: Right wing attacked as well!
Soldier 2: Who is it now?!
Soldier 3: Just one person Evankhell!!!
Evankhell: I don't like being sneaky like this, but...
Soldier 3: It's Evankhell the Hellfire!
Soldier 2: Damn! Two high rankers launching an ambush! We need to contact higher ups!
Soldier 4: High-density Shinsoo reaction up ahead! It's a warp!
Soldiers: Wh.. what is that! That's a big fucking ship!

[Cage: Offensive Siege Mode]

Soldier 4: Identified! It seems to be the Cage that the 5th Army had engaged prior! And a High Ranker on the building is Slayer Yama!
Baam: Mr. Yama!
Soldier: T... the cage and Yama? Didn't they suffer huge losses from the 5th Army recently? How did they...!
HCH: Baylord Yama... I heard he never made public appearances these days, leaving all of his work to his subordinates... and how he's here!!
Yama: Let's go. To you crazy sons of bitches who fear not death! This is our home, and our home is here! We have nowhere to run! As you wish, to our very last breath-
Mas: They're here.
Yama: Rip them to shreds!
Mas: This is the beginning.
Son düzenleme:
Baamların işi hala zor, sofia ve cha gelicek, dawonda savaşta taraf değiştirip hapistekileri kurtarır. Baama bütün rankerler kin gütmüş, bol bol vs izleriz iyi oldu:)
Fugdan gizemli kişiler yardıma gelse çok güzel olur.
Son düzenleme:
bu arada baamın kendi bedenini iyileştirdiği gözlerden kaçmasın. kesildiğinde kanına zehir bulaşmıştı.
bunu nötrledi.
Baamların işi hala zor, sofia ve cha gelicek, dawonda savaşta taraf değiştirip hapistekileri kurtarır. Baama bütün rankerler kin gütmüş, bol bol vs izleriz iyi oldu:)
Fugdan gizemli kişiler yardıma gelse çok güzel olur.
Evankhell Madoraco'nun gizlenme teknolojisini kullandıkları bir gemiyle gelmiş, Agusgus ve bilmediğimiz Fug yüksek seviyecileri çıkar içinden muhtemelen.
Luslec dahil olur mu sence?
Geçen bölümdü herhalde, Sofia ''Luslec harekete geçerse Zahard karşılık olarak bir aile liderini görevlendirir diye'' Luslec işler çok karışmadığı sürece savaşı uzaktan izler diye tahmin ediyorum, müdahale edince LPB Lideri ortaya çıkar veya tam tersi olur.

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