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946 Spoiler Metin Ve Resimleri

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First spoilers, more details as they come out.

- Chapter 946: "Queen Vs. Olin."
- On the cover, Kinemon and Otsuru have an appointment with a tanuki and a fox (request of a reader).
- The first part of the chapter is Queen Vs. Big Mom, with some impressive double action pages.
-More spoilers:
-Most of the fight Big Mom beating Queen
-Big Mom holding a Queen's head and hold his body
-Because the fighting Kid and Killer got helped
-Big Mom holds oshiroko but she surprised that it is empty and then begins a tantrum
-Because of the rage of the Big Mom, she starts to smash the place, Luffy is able to extract his handcuffs and Hyo after he used Luffy's haki to throw away the handcuffs.
-Hyguro refuses to move and escape from (Big Mom), and Big Mom tries to strike Hyo with strong blow but Luffy intervenes, end of the chapter
More spoilers:
Big mom after after she spinning queen then threw him away he lyins on the ground without movement and return to his body gradually.
Chapter 946 Queen Vs O-Lin
Big Mom slam Queen onto the floor and shouts: Give me the Oshiruko! You damn lizard!
Queen is furious that BM call him a lizard: How dare you call me that
O-Lin defeats Queen with 2 moves.
Kid and Killer were affected by the battle, but luckily they got out of the water because of it.
The Beast Pirates, upon witnessing Queen’s defeat, decides to contact Kaido. But the communication system was destroyed so they can’t contact Onigashima.
It shifts to Udon executive tower, Raizou has already sneak in to steal the key to Kawamatsu’s hancuffs. Caribou had told him the weak spot of the communication system, allowing him to destroy it.
Shifts back to O-Lin, who has successfully acquired the pot with Oshiruko in it, she opens it and found it empty.
The words slips out of Luffy’s mouth: that Oshiruko does taste good.
Big Mom turns and attacks Luffy.
Luffy was driven to the edge of the ring, he tells Big Mom that he’ll die if he falls off so he can’t back off any more.
Big Mom: who’s Big Mom and who are you?!
Turns out that Big Mom didn’t get her memories back, she’s getting the Oshiruko so she can share it with the villagers who saved her.
The angry Big Mom knock both of them off the ring, and Luffy take off their collars just in time and safely lands on the ground.
Knowing how terrifying Big Mom is, Luffy tries to get Hyo to run with him, but Hyo refuses and stand right in front of Big Mom!
He said: It is only in time of life and death that your skills will improve
So Luffy give up on running and decide to face a Big Mom heads on to protect Old Hyo, he shouts: come! Yonko!
Chapter 946 Queen Vs O-Lin
Big Mom slam Queen onto the floor and shouts: Give me the Oshiruko! You damn lizard!
Queen is furious that BM call him a lizard: How dare you call me that
O-Lin defeats Queen with 2 moves.
Kid and Killer were affected by the battle, but luckily they got out of the water because of it.
The Beast Pirates, upon witnessing Queen’s defeat, decides to contact Kaido. But the communication system was destroyed so they can’t contact Onigashima.
It shifts to Udon executive tower, Raizou has already sneak in to steal the key to Kawamatsu’s hancuffs. Caribou had told him the weak spot of the communication system, allowing him to destroy it.
Shifts back to O-Lin, who has successfully acquired the pot with Oshiruko in it, she opens it and found it empty.
The words slips out of Luffy’s mouth: that Oshiruko does taste good.
Big Mom turns and attacks Luffy.
Luffy was driven to the edge of the ring, he tells Big Mom that he’ll die if he falls off so he can’t back off any more.
Big Mom: who’s Big Mom and who are you?!
Turns out that Big Mom didn’t get her memories back, she’s getting the Oshiruko so she can share it with the villagers who saved her.
The angry Big Mom knock both of them off the ring, and Luffy take off their collars just in time and safely lands on the ground.
Knowing how terrifying Big Mom is, Luffy tries to get Hyo to run with him, but Hyo refuses and stand right in front of Big Mom!
He said: It is only in time of life and death that your skills will improve
So Luffy give up on running and decide to face a Big Mom heads on to protect Old Hyo, he shouts: come! Yonko!
Chapter 946 Queen vs O- Lin

Big Mom Queen'i yere çarpar ve Oshirukoyu bana getir seni lanet kertenkele diye bağırır.
Queen, BM kendisine kertenkele diye seslendiği için öfkelenir ve bana nasıl öyle seslenirsin diye karşılık verir.
O-Lin 2 hareket ile Queen'i yener.
Kid ve Killer savaştan etkilenirler fakat şükür ki bu sayede sudan çıkarlar.
Canavar Korsanları, Queen'in yenildiğini gördükten sonra, Kaido ile etkileşime geçmeye karar verir. Fakat iletişim sistemi harap olmuştur bu yüzden Onigashima ile bağlantı kuramazlar.
Sahne, Udon Yönetim Kulesine döner. Raizou çoktan Kawamatsu'nun kelepçelerinin anahtarını çalmak için içeri sızmıştır. Caribou ona iletişim sistemini zayıf noktasını söyler böylece Raizou iletişim sistemini çökertir.
Sahne yeniden O-Lin'e döner. İçindeki Oshiruko'ların olduğu kabı başarılı bir şekilde ele geçiren O lin onu açar ve boş olduğunu görür.
Luffy'nin ağzından şu kelimeler dökülür: Oshiruko çok iyiydi.
Big Mom döner ve Luffy'e saldırır.
Luffy ringin kenarına sürüklenir ve Bİg Mom'a eğer düşersem ölürüm bu yüzden daha fazla geri duramam diye söylenir.
Big Mom: Big Mom da kim ve sen kimsin ?!
Big Mom'ın hafızasının geri gelmediği ortaya çıkar, O-lin oshirukoları alıp böylece onları kendisini kurtaran köylülerle paylaşacaktı imiş.
Kızmış Big Mom , Hyoguro ve Luffy'i ringten dışar savurur. Luffy tam zamanında kelepçeleri çıkarır ve güvenli bir şekilde iniş yapar.

Big Mom'ın ne kadar korkunç olduğunu bilen Luffy Hyo'yu da alıp koşmayı dener, fakat Hyo amca reddeder ve tam da Big Mom'ın önünde dikilir.
Hyo amca anca ölüm kalım meselelerinde becerilerin gelişir diye nutuk çeker.:D

Luffy de kaçmaktan vazgeçer ve Yaşlı Emice Hyo'yu korumak için kafa kafaya Big Mom ile yüzleşmeyre karar verir ve

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