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Hundreds of years ago, the Mink tribe and the Kozuki family made an appointment. If one of them experiences hardship, they must help each other.
- Inu and Neko are interested in this ancient story, so they go to the sea, and then stranded in Wano.
- They are treated as monsters along with Kawamatsu being bullied, and finally helped by Oden.
- Kawamatsu was stranded to Wano with his mother because his ship sank. Kawamatsu is a Fishman, he remembered the words of his deceased mother that Fishman was discriminated against, so to survive he claimed to be a Kappa.

Oden was interested in the Whitebeard Pirates, who soon came to Kuri with a damaged ship that would take a week to repair. The purpose of Oden was to get on a white beards ship.
Son düzenleme:

Oden said: "My name is Kozuki Oden, give me your ship" or something like that.

Oden heard that his father had fallen ill, so he went to visit him. Sukiyaki was surprised when he saw his son who had grown rapidly. However, this was their last talk and meeting. After that, Whitebeard Pirates were stranded in Wano.
- The WB Pirates are a perplexed that they arrived on land after climbing the waterfall (Seems like a few of them are missing)
- Marco volunteered to go somewhere ‘prolly scouting’ and Whitebay doesn’t want him to go coz he’s only an apprentice.
- The Wano folk were in a bit of panic coz a Pirate Ship have touched down at one of the Wano Port (Idate was it?)
- A random person is worried and telling some people that ‘someone’ has gone to drive them off.
- WB senses someone rapidly approaching them so he tells his crew to step back.
Tam hali.

3 years later (30 years ago from the past) Oden and his vassals arrive to the Flower Capital. Thanks again to redon from Arlong Park Forums.
Hundreds of years ago, the Mink tribe and the Kozuki family made an appointment. If one of them experiences hardship, they must help each other.
- Inu and Neko are interested in this ancient story, so they go to the sea, and then stranded in Wano.
- They are treated as monsters along with Kawamatsu being bullied, and finally helped by Oden.
- Kawamatsu was stranded to Wano with his mother because his ship sank. Kawamatsu is a Fishman, he remembered the words of his deceased mother that Fishman was discriminated against, so to survive he claimed to be a Kappa.

Oden was interested in the Whitebeard Pirates, who soon came to Kuri with a damaged ship that would take a week to repair. The purpose of Oden was to get on a white beards ship.
-minkler ve kozukiler yüzlerce sene önce bi söz falan vermişler, ne zaman ki birinin başı sıkışırsa yardıma koşmak için.
-inu ve neko yüzlerce yıllık bu eski hikayeyi araştırmak için denize açılmışlar ve sonra wanoya varmışlar ve mahsur kalmışlar.
-wanolular bunları canavar sanmış. kasamatsuyu tartaklamışlar falan ama oden reyiz yardımına koşmuş.
-kawamatsu da wanoda mahsur kalmış annesiyle beraber. zamanında gemisi batmış. kawamatsu bi balıkadammış. ölmüş annesinden öğrendiğine göre balıkadamlar ırkçılığa uğruyormuş, o da kendini bi kappa olarak tanıtıp hayatta kalmaya çalışmış.

odeni beyazbıyık ve tayfasını görünce heyecan ve merak sarmış. beyazbıyığın gemisi kuriye hasarlı gelmiş ve tamiri bi hafta kadar sürecekmiş. oden beyazbıyığa tayfasına girmek için yalvarmış xd

Oden said: "My name is Kozuki Oden, give me your ship" or something like that.

Oden heard that his father had fallen ill, so he went to visit him. Sukiyaki was surprised when he saw his son who had grown rapidly. However, this was their last talk and meeting. After that, Whitebeard Pirates were stranded in Wano.
ore no na wa kozuki oden! dare da ka shiran ga!
benim adım kozuki oden! sen de kimsin yiğidim, seni tanımak isterim! diyor

omae no fune ni! no setekure!
senin gemine! binmek istiyorum lütfen beyazbıyıklı yiğido!

neyse, oden babasının hasta olduğu duyup onu ziyarete gitmiş(kesin yine orochi denen şrfsz yaptı)
sukiyaki oğlunun kocaman adam, afedersin bi yarma olduğunu görünce şaşırmış kalmış. bu onların son konuşması olmuş. neyse işte sonra beyazbıyık tayfası wanoda mahsur kalmış. giren çıkamıyor anasını satayım.

- The WB Pirates are a perplexed that they arrived on land after climbing the waterfall (Seems like a few of them are missing)
- Marco volunteered to go somewhere ‘prolly scouting’ and Whitebay doesn’t want him to go coz he’s only an apprentice.
- The Wano folk were in a bit of panic coz a Pirate Ship have touched down at one of the Wano Port (Idate was it?)
- A random person is worried and telling some people that ‘someone’ has gone to drive them off.
- WB senses someone rapidly approaching them so he tells his crew to step back.
-beyazbıyık tayfasının wanoya girişi, şelale falan bişeyler olmuş. tayfanın bi kısmı kayıpmış. klasik wano girişi kaos işte.
-marco ben gidip kayıpları arayayım mı agam demiş, whitebay sen hele dur torun demiş dizginlemiş.
-wanolular korsanlar geldi diye paniğe kapılmışlar. halbuki katanasını alan dalsa sorun kalmayacak.
-beyazbıyık birinin üstlerine doğru yardırdığını hissetmiş ve tayfasına geride durmasını söylemiş.

Tam hali.

3 years later (30 years ago from the past) Oden and his vassals arrive to the Flower Capital. Thanks again to redon from Arlong Park Forums.
3 sene sonra oden ve ekibi çiçek başkentine varmış.
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