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This will be seen tomorrow on the last page in the form of double pages and will be on the same page on the right when big mom and hit queen.

On the same page Queen mocks her and then bog mom breaks him without hesitation
The chapter begins with Orochi escaping to his castle. Orochi looks back, seeing the explosions in the battle, and laughs at the situation.

- Zoro and Kyoshiro continue to fight, while the first is angry and even somewhat tired, Kyoshiro maintains absolute coldness while fighting with him.

- Orochi's Oniwabanshu comes on stage with Fukurokuju in front. Fukurokuju searches through some papers and sees Zoro's Wanted, then orders his subordinates to catch him.

- One of the Oniwabanshu women plays her instrument and attacks Zoro with what appears to be sound waves.

- Sanji has given Toko to Usopp to escape with her, which Usopp does at the moment XD

- Drake tries to bite Sanji again, when he tries to dodge he notices that Drake's tail comes from one side and does not manage to dodge it.

- Drake stamps it on the ground, but Sanji gets up without a problem.

- Brook is responsible for protecting Hiyori, uses his soul to scare the members of the Oniwabanshu.

- Law goes to the cage to try to get his nakamas but there is Hawkins to stop him.

- Hawkins draws his sword and cuts one of his arms a little, but the wound goes to Shachi, who has been bewitched by Hawkins with Bepo and Penguin. The face that Law puts upon finding out is a poem.

- Sanji continues to escape from Drake's bites, while escaping he sees Hiyori, who is being harassed by the Oniwabanshu (he locates her as if he had a telescopic XD scope).

- Sanji goes to her to save her but Zoro goes ahead by taking the Oniwabanshu out of the way.

- Hiyori grabs Zoro while he runs and despite the discomfort of the swordsman. Sanji breaks his heart to see the scene (another face to frame in this chapter XD).
Queen: There’re still plenty of Oshiruko left but they’re all mine...I won’t give you even a drop of it old hag!!!
Subordinates: (Actually there’s none left!!)
Dragon-dragon fruit ancient model Brachiosaurus
Queen: Hala bir sürü Oshiruko kaldı, ama hepsi benim.… Sana bir damla bile vermeyeceğim yaşlı domuz !!!
Astları: (Aslında hiç kalmadı !!)
Ejderha ejderha meyvesi eski model Brachiosaurus
The chapter begins with Orochi escaping to his castle. Orochi looks back, seeing the explosions in the battle, and laughs at the situation.

- Zoro and Kyoshiro continue to fight, while the first is angry and even somewhat tired, Kyoshiro maintains absolute coldness while fighting with him.

- Orochi's Oniwabanshu comes on stage with Fukurokuju in front. Fukurokuju searches through some papers and sees Zoro's Wanted, then orders his subordinates to catch him.

- One of the Oniwabanshu women plays her instrument and attacks Zoro with what appears to be sound waves.

- Sanji has given Toko to Usopp to escape with her, which Usopp does at the moment XD

- Drake tries to bite Sanji again, when he tries to dodge he notices that Drake's tail comes from one side and does not manage to dodge it.

- Drake stamps it on the ground, but Sanji gets up without a problem.

- Brook is responsible for protecting Hiyori, uses his soul to scare the members of the Oniwabanshu.

- Law goes to the cage to try to get his nakamas but there is Hawkins to stop him.

- Hawkins draws his sword and cuts one of his arms a little, but the wound goes to Shachi, who has been bewitched by Hawkins with Bepo and Penguin. The face that Law puts upon finding out is a poem.

- Sanji continues to escape from Drake's bites, while escaping he sees Hiyori, who is being harassed by the Oniwabanshu (he locates her as if he had a telescopic XD scope).

- Sanji goes to her to save her but Zoro goes ahead by taking the Oniwabanshu out of the way.

- Hiyori grabs Zoro while he runs and despite the discomfort of the swordsman. Sanji breaks his heart to see the scene (another face to frame in this chapter XD).
Bölüm kalesine kaçan Orochi ile başlıyor. Orochi arkasına bakıyor ve savaş alanındaki patlamaları görüyormuş, bu duruma gülüyormuş.

-Zoro ve Kyoshiro savaşmaya devam ediyor, Zoro öfkeli ve hatta biraz da yorgun iken, Kyoshire hiç istifini bozmandan onunla savaşmaya devam ediyormuş.

-Orochi'nin Oniwabanshu grubu başlarında Fukurokuju ile olaya giriyorlarmış. Fukurokuju bazı sayfaları karıştıryor ve Zoro'nun aranıyor posterini görür, daha sonra astlarına onu yakalamalarını emreder.

-Sanji, Toko'yu Usopp'a kaçmaları için verir ki o anda Usopp çoktan bu işe koyulmuştur.:D

-Drake Sanji'yi tekrardan ısırmaya çalışır. Sanji kaçındığı sıra Drake'in kuyruğunun diğer taraftan geldiğini farkeder ama ondan kaçınmayı başaramaz.

-Drake zemine çakar ama Sanji hiçbir sorun olmamış gibi ayağa kalkar.

-Brook Hiyori korumaktan sorumlur. Oniwabanshu üyelerini korkutmak için ruhunu kullanır.

-Law nakamalarını kurtarmak için kafese girer, Hawkins'te onu durdurmak için ordadır.

-Hawkins kılıcını çeker ve koluna bir kesik atar, fakat yara Hawkins tarafından büyülenmiş Bepo ve Penguin'e yansır. Law ne olduğunu anladığında yüzü fena bir hal almış.

-Sanji Drake'in ısırıklarından sıyrılmaya devam eder, bu sırada da Oniwabanshu tarafından kovalanan Hiyori gözüne takılır.(Onun yerini adeta teleskopmuş gibi belirlemiş.:D)

-Sanji onu kurtarmak için davranır fakat Zoro Oniwabanshu ile önden ilgilenir.
We now go to the Kinemon group, which is outside the city.
- We see that Kinemon is being beaten by Shutenmaru while Inuarashi asks them to stop.
- Kinemon kneels before Shutenmaru asking him to join them, Shutenmaru takes a swig of sake and leaves.
- We went to the prison. There is a great smoke and behind it a giant shadow.
- Big Mom, on a brutal double page, appears before them. Everyone, from Luffy to Queen, to the rest of the prisoners or members of the Beast Pirates, are left with Enel's face when they see her.
- Chopper, Kiku, Tama and Momonosuke have also entered the prison. Kiku decides to put a handkerchief on HER* head to go incognito.
- Queen begins to transform immediately.
- Luffy, realizing that Big Mom does not remember him, tells him if he can get 2 guys who are in the water (Kid and Killer are at the limit). Big Mom asks if there is Oshiruko there.
- Queen has just transformed, is the user of the Ryu Ryu not My Brachiosaurus model. Queen tells Big Mom that all the Oshiruko there is is from him and that he does not intend to give her anything. His subordinates look at each other because they know that there is no Oshiruko for him either.
- Chopper and Kiku come to the area where they are all together and suddenly they see Big Mom throw herself towards a dinosaur.
- Big Mom, very pissed, stamped Queen on the floor with a single punch ...
We now go to the Kinemon group, which is outside the city.
- We see that Kinemon is being beaten by Shutenmaru while Inuarashi asks them to stop.
- Kinemon kneels before Shutenmaru asking him to join them, Shutenmaru takes a swig of sake and leaves.
- We went to the prison. There is a great smoke and behind it a giant shadow.
- Big Mom, on a brutal double page, appears before them. Everyone, from Luffy to Queen, to the rest of the prisoners or members of the Beast Pirates, are left with Enel's face when they see her.
- Chopper, Kiku, Tama and Momonosuke have also entered the prison. Kiku decides to put a handkerchief on HER* head to go incognito.
- Queen begins to transform immediately.
- Luffy, realizing that Big Mom does not remember him, tells him if he can get 2 guys who are in the water (Kid and Killer are at the limit). Big Mom asks if there is Oshiruko there.
- Queen has just transformed, is the user of the Ryu Ryu not My Brachiosaurus model. Queen tells Big Mom that all the Oshiruko there is is from him and that he does not intend to give her anything. His subordinates look at each other because they know that there is no Oshiruko for him either.
- Chopper and Kiku come to the area where they are all together and suddenly they see Big Mom throw herself towards a dinosaur.
- Big Mom, very pissed, stamped Queen on the floor with a single punch ...
Kinemon grubu
  • Kinemon, Ashura tarafindan indiriliyor. Inuarashi durmasini söylüyor
  • Kinemon dizleri üstünde yalvariyor. Katılmasını istiyor ekibe. Ashura içkiyi içip orayı terkediyor
  • Hapishane. Dumanlar var ve ardinda dev bir gölge var
  • Hapishanedeki her kişi Enel Surati yapıyormuş. (Şaşkın surat)
  • Choppa, Kiku, Tama ve Momo da hapiste. Kikular kafalarina mendil koymuşlar
  • Queen dönüşüyor alelacele
  • Luffy Big Momun kendini hatırlamadığını farkediyor. Diyor ki şu ikisini de kurtar (kid ve killer). Big Mom eğer ki oshiruko var ise yapacak
  • Queen ejder meyvesi(dino) yemiş. Oshiruko vermeyi reddediyor. Adamları birbirine bakıyor çünkü oshiruko olmadığını biliyorlar
  • Chopper ve Kiku alana geliyor ve Big Momun Queene uctugunu görüyorlar .
  • Big Mom Queeni sinirle yere gömüyor. Tek hamle ile :cool:
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