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Brook: We're gonna meet Master Nekomamushi~!
We're gonna meet Master Nekomamushi~!

Wanda: Nami! Sanji and Cedar are not here anymore!
They must have been kidnapped by that one guy!

Nami: No, it was his own decision...

Nekomamushi: Wanda, Carrot!
Please don't talk to anyone about this incident as they don't want it!

Wanda & Carrot: Yes!

Nakomamushi: You can also leave Pekoms here! There is no need of more anxiety!


via sandman:

Chapter title: "Let's go to see Master Nekomamushi".
Cover story: The design of soldiers' helmets of Drum Kingdom has been changed.

- According to Pekoms, Vinsmoke is murderers' family.
- It's Sanji's father and Big Mom who made a decision about Sanji's wedding.
- Sanji's father is famous in underworld.
- Luffy calls Pekoms as Peko-mamushi. lol
- Pekoms managed to decrease the damage of the bullets from Capone.



Birde kesin olmamakla beraber şöyle bir spoiler gördüm.

>Luffy says its not Big Mam to decide who Sanji marries
>The one who made Sanji Bounty only alive is his Father
>Brook says the family is Darkness of World , family of Murderes

Zaten yukarısı doğruluyor. Ama olsun hala yanlış olma ihtimali var.

- Luffy says he doesn't want to be a subordinate of Big Mom, but he hates the situation more if Sanji has to leave Straw Hats forever.

- It seems Robin has also heard something about Vinsmoke family before.

- Chopper is worried that perhaps Sanji won't come back anymore and cries.
Zoro replies, "No problem." Chopper gets angry.


Part 1

Via Baidu

Cover page- Drum Kingdom- Soldier's Kabuto(Helm) Design Change

Brook- "Let's go meet Master Nekomamushi ♪ let's go meet ♪ '
"Let's go meet Master Nekomamushi ♪ Let's go meet♪"

After the song, it returns to flashback.
Capone who is carrying Sanji runs away - and Wanda returns to Nami.

Wanda-"Nemi! (Possible translation error for Nami?) Looks like Sanji and Cedar(Maybe on purpose instead of Cesar) are not here!?
"Maybe they got taken away by those people...."

Nami- "(No, It was his own choice/wish...!!)"

Wanda - [!?]

Nekomamushi - [Wanda! Carrot! This incident....]
[I want you guys to forget about it and understand]

Wanda- [!]

Nekomaushi -[We will take care of Pekoms!]
[Don't add anymore worry for the "noon" guys]

Nami - [ Thank you Master ....]
Nekomamushi- [ We are the ones that should be thanking you bunch!!]
Nekomamushi goes flying in air, Nami sweats.

Flashback ends.

Brook is singing the Nekomamushi song again.
Nico Robin is smiling and listening to the song, "That's a nice song, is that what he is like? That master nekomamushi"
Brook- "Nope"
Usopp" What do you mean nope!!"
Brook- " It's an image song."

Next to them, Luffy is looking at Sanji's letter with a puzzled face.
Luffy "......"
" Hey so (that girl he is going to meet) does that mean he is going to get married with her!?"
Nami- " We can't rule that out"
"His face looked like he was prepared for something...!"
Luffy- "But it says (I promise to come back) !!"
" Oh maybe he will come back with his wife!)
Usopp- " Then we will have 1 more crew member!!)
Brook- "The new wife will be a Yonkou's daughter! Then we will be under Big Mom's umbrella/underling."
Luffy-"What??? I don't want that"
Brook-[I can't translate this bit]
"But that's why I think this way"
"If his marriage was something he can't run away from..."
"But considering it's him, don't you think he will cut himself off!!"
Luffy- " What!! Sanji's leaving our crew!?"
"hell no!!"
Nami" He was able to kick us out of the castle and at the same time he had the opportunity to leave with us"
"The moment he wrote that letter, he already determined he had to go by himself....that Sanji"
Usopp"Everything is related to that "New Family" being key"
"Either the father or mother or brothers....basically in the past, they were in North Blue and traveled to East Blue and are now in the New World....pretty amazing"
Robin"Vinsmoke....I recall hearing that somewhere"
Brook strokes the guitar"........."

Nami" Sorry before everyone came here, if we could of at least solved it!!"
Robin-"The one that couldn't stop it was Sanji, you guys have no responsibility"
Chopper cries, "But Robin...what if we can't see him again"
Robin"Ehhh, whatever"
Chopper" What???(Rage)"
Luffy, [So anyways, Pokoms who arranged the marriage anyways!?]
Pekoms[ Well thats my Mama and the Vinsmoke pops!]
nami[Sanji's father!? What kind of person is he!?]
Pekoms[ In the underworld he is famous, you guys don't know him? Vinsmoke family in simple terms are a people murdering family]
Luffy decided to meet Big Mom and Sanji with the help of Pekoms although every Straw Hats disagree.

Cover page- Drum Kingdom- Soldier's Kabuto(Helm) Design Change

Brook- "Let's go meet Master Nekomamushi ♪ let's go meet ♪ "
"Let's go meet Master Nekomamushi ♪ Let's go meet♪"

After the song, it returns to flashback.
Capone who is carrying Sanji runs away - and Wanda returns to Nami.

Wanda-"Nemi! (Purposeful translation error for Nami?) Looks like Sanji and Cedar(Maybe on purpose instead of Cesar) are not here!?
"Maybe they got taken away by those people...."

Nami- "(No, It was his own choice/wish...!!)"

Wanda - [!?]

Nekomamushi - [Wanda! Carrot! This incident....]
[I want you guys to forget about it and understand]

Wanda- [!]

Nekomaushi -[We will take care of Pekoms!]
[Don't add anymore worry for the "noon" guys]

Nami - [ Thank you Master ....]
Nekomamushi- [ We are the ones that should be thanking you bunch!!]
Nekomamushi goes flying in air, Nami sweats.

Flashback ends.

Brook is singing the Nekomamushi song again.
Nico Robin is smiling and listening to the song, "That's a nice song, is that what he is like? That master nekomamushi"
Brook- "Nope"
Usopp" What do you mean nope!!"
Brook- " It's an image song."

Next to them, Luffy is looking at Sanji's letter with a puzzled face.
Luffy "......"
" Hey so (that girl he is going to meet) does that mean he is going to get married with her!?"
Nami- " We can't rule that out"
"His face looked like he was prepared for something...!"
Luffy- "But it says (I promise to come back) !!"
" Oh maybe he will come back with his wife!)
Usopp- " Then we will have 1 more crew member!!)
Brook- "The new wife will be a Yonkou's daughter! Then we will be under Big Mom's umbrella/underling."
Luffy-"What??? I don't want that"
Brook-[I can't translate this bit]
"But that's why I think this way"
"If his marriage was something he can't run away from..."
"But considering it's him, don't you think he will cut himself off!!"
Luffy- " What!! Sanji's leaving our crew!?"
"Hell no!!"
Nami" He was able to kick us out of the castle and at the same time he had the opportunity to leave with us"
"The moment he wrote that letter, he already determined he had to go by himself....that Sanji"
Usopp"Everything is related to that "New Family" being key"
"Either the father or mother or brothers....basically in the past, they were in North Blue and traveled to East Blue and are now in the New World....pretty amazing"
Robin"Vinsmoke....I recall hearing that somewhere"
Brook strokes the guitar"........."

Nami" Sorry before everyone came here, if we could of at least solved it!!"
Robin-"The one that couldn't stop it was Sanji, you guys have no responsibility"
Chopper cries, "But Robin...what if we can't see him again"
Zoro"Ehhh, whatever"
Chopper" What???(Rage)"

Zorro"Certainly if we were to continue on, the words [I am grateful/ to be indebted to you] is still missing from Sanji"
Chopper" Wrong!!!!(Sweats)

Zorro"Also[ I apologize for the inconvenience] "
"Think about it!! We are on a rail that can't be stopped"
"Even Cesar was saying, the SMILE Doflamingo was creating big purchaser was Kaido"
"Just like when we pissed off Doflamingo after destroying Punk Hazard's research center and Dressrosa's factory, right now the next guy that is going to go berserk is the Yonkou, Kaido..!!"
"The monster that destroyed this country, "JACK" is still a recent existence...sooner or later they will come chasing after us!!"
"The reason we are still teamed up with LAW is for the fight "that's about to come""
"I still dont know the reason but ______are being targeted by Kaido. We will eventually have to confront the Yonkou Kaido as well!!"
"And during this hectic time, to think that Curly Eyebrow will go and clam with Yonkou Big Mom...that bastard!!"
Nami"You shouldn't say it like that!! You _______!! This is this and that is that!!"
Luffy "......."
Zorro" Talk is small!"
Nami" In people's problem/trouble there is no such thing as big and small!!(rage)

Luffy"Okay!! Even if we think about it we won't know anything so let's go to Sanji and ask him!!!"
Zorro" Hey, just leave him Luffy!!!"
Usopp"Are you really considering going to Big Mom's place!? Did you forget you started a fight with her!?"
Franky-[Cant translate this text]

Robin is sweating
Robin"The enemy is the Yonkou Luffy!! Don't forget that, it's a completely different story then the past"
Luffy"Then let's go there sneakingly!"
Usopp"How!! (Sweats)

Chopper"The methods to go chase them...well there are some...!!"
Brook" Yeah that's right...Big Mom Pirates left something huge....."
"If "he" reawakens, there should be some new information we can get.."
"Anyways let's head there"

Whale Forest-Guardians Hideout
The Mink family are all over Luffy's crew.
Hey everyone it's the Strawhat Crew!!!
Even Chopper came-!!

Franky"These guys got crushed too..."

Zorro"Looks like the Mink Tribe recovers fast?"
Nami"Your right"

Luffy"This Whale tree sure looks huge when you seet it up close!!Garchoo!!!"

The cow and the Gorilla Mink from when Strawhat first came to Zou appears/
"Mugiwara Luffy!! It's us, sorry about the last time"
"We just can't forgive any intruders."

Luffy"Oh Hey you guys!! Don't worry about it! Where is Nekomamushi!?"

Someone's voice is surrounded, "Welcome, our life saviors and their friends..!"
Luffy"Who is it"
"At least let me give my thanks"

Pedro appears.
Jagger Mink, "Up on the Tree, Pedro"

Pedro" Sorry about my underlings the last time. They went crazy on hearing "intruders"

Luffy"Hmm, you were there?"
Pedro" Up on the tree, Bepo and them are waiting"

Luffy" Oh those guys, that can wait till later"
"I want to meet with Nekomamushi and the Lion Pekomamushi"

Pedro whispers something to someone, (Pekoms is awake in the far building)
(This little thing is a secret to everyone)
(Sanji is a good guy, if we can be of some help)

Chopper"Luffy! I am worried about Nekomamushi in many meanings so I will go check up on him ahead !"

A voice " Then Professor Chopper, I will lead the way"
A beautiful person appears...It's a reindeer mink.

Usopp:"Hey!!! Chopper what are you all hardened up for"
Chopper" Ha..Har...Hardee..I ain't hardened up <3"
Wanda"It's this way <3"
Chopper"Oh, Oh kay!<3"
Usopp"You are weird"

Mink"Right now the Master is in the bath"
Chopper"B...Baaaa.BAAAAT!? BATH!?"

Scene change to Nekomamushi completely bandaged up in the bathroom.
He is using his hand that has been cut up to eat.
Nekomamushi "meoew, meow, meoew , meow"
Chopper"Hey!! Nekomamushi!!"
"You still can't use the bathroom!! Your wounds will oepn up!! And only eat lightly!!! WHY THE F are you using your right hand!?"
Nekomamushi"goronyanyanya, hey chopper"
"dont worry about it"
" I am a man that loves freedom!!"
usopp" He is bigger than I imagined!!"
Chopper"Listen to me!!"
Nekomamushi" Sorry but doctor's orders....they flow with the wind!!"
-He makes some joke about his right hand and laughs at his own joke.
"Yo you Strawhat Crew, you guys helped me!!! Thank you!!!
"I promise to one day repay this debt!!"

Usopp"Oh look a ball"
A ball rolls over and Nekomamushi jumps on it, " yay!! its a ball!!"
Chopper"I said DONT MOVE!!!!(sweats)
Nekomamushi (meow)
Chopper" See! your wounds opened up!!!"

Nekomamushi lies down on the bed.
"Listen now, I got into the bed because I wanted to get in the bed!"
Chopper"Yes, yes I understand. I don't care as long as you stay still!"
"I will shoot you with a needle!"
Nekomamushi"Hey you there! That cat toy!"
Robin"Like this?"
"Chopper do it in a way I can have fun!"
Chopper"Like I've said before...DONT MOVE!!" (Rage)

Brook blows something.
Usopp says something I cant translate. =p

Brook"YOHOHOHOH!! This guy really is interesting!!"
Chopper" Phew, it's fixed for now"
Nekomamushi tries to run away fast from bed, but chopper baits back with the cat toy.
Chopper"There is no such thing as quick medicine, so just rest in peace!!"
Usopp" Don't punch an injured person(Sweats)

Nami and them head towards Pekoms.
Nami"I'm surprised you are still alive!"
Pekoms" I was able to evade half with haki, THAT BASTARD BEGE!!"
"I'm so sorry, I see Black Leg got taken away...it's too late to run away from the wedding"
Luffy, [So anyways, Pokoms who arranged the marriage anyways!?]
Pekoms[ Well thats my Mama and the Vinsmoke pops!]
nami[Sanji's father!? What kind of person is he!?]
Pekoms[ In the underworld he is famous, you guys don't know him? Vinsmoke family in simple terms are a people murdering family]
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