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Zoro: "What kind of weapon is that!? An electrical shock ran from it!!"
Carrot: "There's intruders in the 'Whale Forest'!?"
Mink: "Yes, it's bad. They're gonna make the Guardians angry!!"
Franky: "Humans!? Animals!?"
Usopp: "H..hey you!! Those clothes! Where did you get your hands on them!! What did you do to Nami!?"

bide bu yaziyor

C: Franzlome_AP

For reference: "Guardians" is a reading given to the kanji 侠客団, normally read "kyoukaku-dan".

The "dan" means "group or troupe." A "kyoukaku" is a man that isn't an actual official peacekeeper (and it's a not a job), but is more like a ruffian who acts under the pretense of chivalry/helping the weak against the strong.
Wanda tells Luffy that’s because he is tresspassing in a forbidden forest.
She licks Luffy’s face.

She tells the Guardians to forgive the man, she’ll escort him.
An unseen man named Pedro above the tree orders Rody and BB to cease the attack and come back.
Luffy is surprised to learn he was surrounded. (Even Luffy was unaware of their presense)

Bepo is shocked Luffy doesn’t remember them, as he took care of Luffy after the marineford war.
Luffy notices he’s the talking bear at Law’s crew.
Penguin (and the other guy whose name escapes me) also chime in that they’ve been reading the news, about them becoming allies.
Luffy mentions to them that Torao… I mean Law came with him to the island, and they are overjoyed.

In the Kurau City Robin notices how there’s not a soul left in this city large enough to house hundreds of thousands.
She gathers the attack on the city must have been recent, as there are still fresh signs of someone living there (still soup in the pot), etc
Zoro notices a torture device, while Franky notes the huge claw marks on the walls.
There’s also a massive footprint of an animal in the road.

Whether the city was destroyed by invador or in-fighting, one thing is for sure.
This city was destroyed only within this week or two.

Meanwhile Wanda is explaining to Luffy what happened.
The Dukedom of Mokomo was destroyed by someone named Jack.
— Double Post Merged, A moment ago, Original Post Date: 1 minute ago —
The ground shakes and Bepo warns that Eruption rain is about to come.
Wanda tells Luffy to get on the back of Wany, she’ll take him to the Right Stomach forest, where his friends are.
Luffy is in joy that he’ll see Sanji and others again.
But Wanda looks gloomy, silent not knowing how to break it out to Luffy…

End of chapter

K: Mangaspoiler.com
Türkçe özet:

Luffy yasak ormanda yürümüş. Wanda ona eşlik ederken ortaya Law'un tayfası çıkıyor ve Luffy onlara Law'un geldiğini söylüyor. Tayfa haberleri takip etmiş ve olayları genel anlamıyla biliyor.

Robin şehirde bu kadar ev ve büyük yapı olmasına rağmen hiç ses soluk çıkmamasını şaşırıyor. Ama şehirin yakın zamanda yıkıldığına dair işaretler buluyor ve hala birilerinin burada yaşadığını anlıyor. Kasede hala çorba varmış vs.

Zoro da şehirde bir işkence aleti buluyor ve duvarda pençe izlerine rastlıyor.
Orman yolunda da ağır hayvanları bıraktığı belli olan ayak izleri bulunuyor.

Şehrin ne sebeple yıkıldığını kimse bilmiyor ama en geç bir ya da iki hafta önce yıkıldığını anlıyorlar.

Bu sırada Wanda Luffy'ye olanları açıklıyor.
Dediğine göre "Mokomo Düklüğü" Jack isminde biri tarafından yıkılmış.
Yer sallanıyor ve Bepo, yine su püskürmesinin olacağına dair uyarıyor.
Wanda Luffy'yi Wany'nin (timsah binek) sırtına çağırıyor ve onu Mide Ormanı'na, yani arkadaşlarının bulunduğu yere götüreceğini söylüyor.
Luffy de Sanji ve diğerlerini göreceği için çok mutlu oluyor.
Ama Wanda oldukça karamsar ve kasvetli görünüyor. Bunu Luffy'ye nasıl açacağını bilmiyor.

Bölüm sonu.
Chapter 805 The Mink tribe
New cover story! From the dock of the world - The 500 million berry man
We see seagulls flying to spread the news

Zoro is surprised at Carrot's weapon that shocked him
The Minkman woman and Carrot exchange that the situation is dire, as the invaders of the Whale forest may anger the "Guardians"
Usopp demands to know where the woman got her clothes, and what she did with Nami
Robin wonders aloud if they're cannibals, scaring Usopp

Carrot leaps high (VERY high, like a hundred feet) in the air, to see far ahead.
She sees fights in the Whale forest, straight ahead from the Kurau capital
On orders by the minkman woman, Carrot hops on the Aligator (Named Waanii/Wany, literally wani = gator/croc) and heads out.
She tells Ussop and others to head to the forest of Right Hip and take a left at the pond towards Right Stomach forest. The carcass of their friends can be found there. (!!)
She tells them to wait there and they'll meet them up later.

As Wany runs the minkwoman tells Carrot that those people are the Straw Hat pirates. Carrot wonders if they'll be shocked (to see their crew's bodies) but the minkwoman says what's happened is happened, can't be helped. She figures the intruder at the Whale forest is Straw Hat Luffy, and if so there will be no mercy.

Usopp cries at the death of his crewmates, but no one else is believing it.
Zoro says with Sanji with them, there's no way they'd be killed so easily. Franky and Robin agrees. They ask Law if his crew is here.
Law said he doesn't have a way of getting hold of him, he didn't expect to ever see them again.
He does however, have Bepo's vivre card. Usopp asks if Bepo is a mink people, and Law confirms it.

Law says this place is Bepo's homeland, but he doesn't have much memory of this place as he left the island when he was young.
Law says he has known Bepo for 10 years, and trusts him.

The co heads to meet up with Bepo instead of following the minkwoman's orders.

Meanwhile in the Whale forest, Luffy is fighting a bull-man.
Bepo (all in bandage) tries to stop the bull-man from attacking Luffy, telling him Luffy is an acquaintance of him, but he replies regardless this man is an intruder, and continues to fight Luffy.

Upon contact with the bull's head Luffy is electrocuted, but it has no effect on him.
A gorilla-man is surprised that "electro" has no effect on Luffy.
Jean-Bart triest to grab the gorilla man, but he easily throws Jean on the ground with his mighty strength.

The minkwoman and Carrot arrives on the scene, and quickly subdues the Guardians using bananas and red cloth. The Gorilla (named "BB", short for Blackback) and the bull (named Rody) are easily distracted by them.

The minkwoman introduce herself to Luffy as Wanda, a dog-mink. Carrot is a bunny-mink of course.
Luffy is surprised to see people just like Chopper in this land.
He says he hasn't done anything, those guys just suddenly attacked him.

Wanda tells Luffy that's because he is tresspassing in a forbidden forest.
She licks Luffy's face.

She tells the Guardians to forgive the man, she'll escort him.
An unseen man named Pedro above the tree orders Rody and BB to cease the attack and come back.
Luffy is surprised to learn he was surrounded. (Even Luffy was unaware of their presense)

Bepo is shocked Luffy doesn't remember them, as he took care of Luffy after the marineford war.
Luffy notices he's the talking bear at Law's crew.
Penguin (and the other guy whose name escapes me) also chime in that they've been reading the news, about them becoming allies.
Luffy mentions to them that Torao... I mean Law came with him to the island, and they are overjoyed.

In the Kurau City Robin notices how there's not a soul left in this city large enough to house hundreds of thousands.
She gathers the attack on the city must have been recent, as there are still fresh signs of someone living there (still soup in the pot), etc
Zoro notices a torture device, while Franky notes the huge claw marks on the walls.
There's also a massive footprint of an animal in the road.

Whether the city was destroyed by invador or in-fighting, one thing is for sure.
This city was destroyed only within this week or two.

Meanwhile Wanda is explaining to Luffy what happened.
The Dukedom of Mokomo was destroyed by someone named Jack.

The ground shakes and Bepo warns that Eruption rain is about to come.
Wanda tells Luffy to get on the back of Wany, she'll take him to the Right Stomach forest, where his friends are.
Luffy is in joy that he'll see Sanji and others again.
But Wanda looks gloomy, silent not knowing how to break it out to Luffy...

End of chapter

Couple of things:
Bepo's title is renewed, it still says Heart Pirates Navigator, but new line "Assistant Guardian" is added. Supposedly he's helping the Guardians.
Robin, upon hearing the locations of her crew's bodies, jokes if the bodies are there at least they're not eaten.
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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