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715 Spoiler Resim ve Metinleri

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Ufaktan spoilerlar düşmeye başladı.

source: APforum
Credit: Redon
-Chapter focused on Block C
-All Important Fighter in Block C was introduced.
-Don Chinjaou Has “Haoshoku no Haki”
-The Bounty Hunter “Jean Ango” Knowing Lucy is Luffy
-There is no chapter next week (Holiday).
- Bölümün tamamı C blokta geçiyor.(Sevindirici ^^)
- C blokun bütün önemli savaşçıları gösteriliyor. (Büyük ihtimalle 'King Punch' bölümündeki gibi, savaşçıların dövüş stilleri ve güçleri gösterilir.)
- Don Chinjao'da Haoshoku Haki varmış.
- Ödül avcısı Jean Ango, Lucy'nin Luffy olduğunu biliyormuş. (Önceki bölümde Luffy'nin sakalının düşmesi çizim hatasıymış yani)
- Haftaya bölüm yok. (Spoiler/Bölüm tarihi 30/31 temmuz.)
Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #35 2013 (29/07)

Absent: One Piece
715 Heated Battle in Block C
Coribou is reunited with his brother, hugging him.
Caribou is reminded of their dead mother, who told them brothers should get along no matter what happens.

As the crowd cheer in amazement at Lucy's OHKO of the giant, surprised at his capable fighting, Caven frowns saying "of course he can.." while Barto is smiling intimidatingly. Rebecca is surprised, just like the crowd.

Ideo walks up to the unconscious giant, saying this is a ring... he should sleep elsewhere.
He then punches the Giant out of the ring.

Destruction Cannon Ideo, champion of the Central Martial Arts club in New World.
He has a really tall shoulders sticking up higher than his head, and throws out devastating explosive punches.
He wants the Mera Mera fruit to become even stronger.

Meanwhile the Chinjao trio are also wrecking gladiators up.
Sai fights with acrobatic movements and "Hasshouken", the Eight Impactful Fist style kung-fu, that sends direct impact of vibrations into any foes they touch, rendering any form of armor or shield useless.

Sai is the 13th head of the Happou Navy, while his brother Buu is the 2nd in command.
Chinjao is the 12th head (retired), and several fodders go for the head of the legendary Chinjao, but he knocks them all out with CoC.

Jean Ango is scavenging the loot off the fallen fodders, collecting weapons.
He's known as Bounty Hunter Jean the Robber, and is hated by pirates all over.
One such pirate comes after his head for sending one of his buddies to be locked up forever, but Jean uses weapons like "bullets", and throws them at the pirate, taking a chunk out of his flesh. His skill seems similar to Bullseye from Marvel comics.
He then tells the pirate if he cares for his buddy so much, why not infiltrate the jail.. like a certain moron 2 years ago.

Kerry Funk is punching the crap out of a fighter, who is already knocked out. He's pissed at the fighter for calling him a shorty.
His brother Bobby tries to stop Terry, but accidentally holds down the victim. lol
They keep doing this like a comedy routine.

Buu goes over to the two brothers, provoking Terry calling him a shorty.
He punches Terry with the vibration punch, and easily knocks him out.
He goes after Bobby, who claims he's not going to fight, he's never even been in a brawl ever since birth, but attacks him with an axe anyways.
Bobby cowers, but the axe breaks off, not leaving a scratch on Bobby... even though Buu had used CoA on the axe!
It seems Terry is the hot-headed fighter, but weak. Bobby is the pacifist, but insanely strong body.
Terry tells Bobby to hurry up and "wear" him...
In the next page, Buu is shown beaten to a pulp by a hulking figure... with the body of Bobby an face of Terry!

Meanwhile Jean Ango stole Lucy's helmet.
Hey "Lucy", I heard a strange rumor... I heard the Straw Hat Luffy is hiding somewhere in this tournament! Dededede!
At the same time, Don Chinjao locked onto Luffy and juggarnauts through the fodders to Lucy.

40 left in Block C, who will be the winner?

End of chapter, break next week - coming back issue 36
CCC script

Chapter 715
“Close Contest C-Block”
Cover Story:
“Caribou’s Kehihihihi in the New World”
“Volume 33”
“Our departed grandma always said, ‘No matter what happens, brothers stick together’”
Page 2:
Blurb: “He brought down the giant warrior in one hit!! Luffy’s power is overwhelming!!!”
Gats: “..He’s…!! He’s not even moving an inch!!”
“Without a doubt, this former candidate to win it all, Hajrudin…!!!”
“Has been eliminated!!!”
“This is absolutely a stunning upset!!!”
Luffy: “Hup”
Gats: “There’s just no stopping the excitement and anticipation at this point!!
Crowd: “You’re amazing, Lucy!!”
Page 3:
Gats: “At the eye of the storm that’s descended onto C-block!!!”
Luffy: “I’ll carry you over to the edge, Ucy”
Gats: “Lucy has done it again!!!”
Cavendish: “…Hmph”
“Well of course he has”
Gats: “We still can’t even get a measure on this man!!”
Rebecca: “I can’t believe it…”
“That he would be this strong…”
Crowd: “Lucy!!”
Ideo: “Oi, oi, giant…”
“This is the ring…”
“If you’re gonna sleep, do it somewhere else!!!”
Page 4:
Crowd: “Uwahh!!!”
Gats: “Hajrudin’s enormous body was blown away by an explosion!!?”
“What on earth could have…!!?”
Page 5:
Gats: “No, that was no explosion!! …Even if Hajrudin is out…”
“C-block is still crawling with some real monsters!!!”
“The punch launched from those strange-looking shoulders…”
“Only looked like an explosion!!!
Crowd: “Ideo!!”
Text: “Triple X Rank Boxer: Demolition Cannon Ideo”
Gats: “The one who sent the giant’s body flying was…!!”
“The V2 champion of the New World Central Fighting Club!!!”
“Demolition Cannon Ideo!!!”
Page 6:
Ideo: “I want to be stronger”
“So I’ll be eating that Mera Mera no Mi!!”
“I need more power!!!”
Gats: “Furthermore”
“There are some others who’ve gotten our attention!!”
“They’ve come from the far east nation of Kanokuni”
“This gang of three!! And they’ve got a different flavor altogether!!!”
“To think that this is the day that our fair colosseum…”
“Would get to see such renowned kenpo users in action!!!”
Fighter: “Ugh”
Page 7:
Sai: “Tsuaa!!!”
“How futile!!!”
“There it is!!! Defenses are useless against the finely manipulated attacks of Hasshoken!!!”
Text: “Kanokuni Gang Member and Commander of the Happou Navy’s 13th Brigade: Sai”
Gats: “Neither shields nor armor work against these guys!!!”
TN: “Hasshoken = Fist of the Eight Impacts; Happousuigun (Happou Navy) is also a pun on “Happousai,” another Chinese dish”
Page 8:
Gats: “The might of the Happou Navy”
“Boasts hundreds of years of storied history!!”
Boo: “Hoa!!!”
Gats: “Indeed, no one can stand up to them!!!”
Text: “Kanokuni Gang Member and Vice Commander of the Happou Navy: Boo”
Fighters: “Taking your head, Chinjao…”
“Will be much more meaningful than winning any tournament!!”
Chinjao: “Hiyahaya…”
Page 9:
Text: “Kanokuni Gang Member and Former Commander of the Happou Navy’s 12th Brigade (Retired)”
Chinjao: “You’ll have to try another time, greenhorns!!!”
Text: “Don Chinjao”
Fighters: “Owahh!!!”
Crowd: “Uohhh!!!”
Page 10:
Fighter: “That was Conqueror’s Haki!”
“Well duh… he was once a legendary pirate with a bounty of 500 million!!”
Chinjao: “There’s only one man I want!! Don’t get in my way…!!”
Jean Ango: “Hold up, you bastard!!!”
Chinjao: “Hmm?”
Jean Ango: “Dededede!! Thanks a lot, Chinjao! Now I’ve got all the weapons I want!!”
Text: “Bounty Hunter: Jean Ango, “Jean the Bandit””
Page 11:
Gats: “Without falling to Don Chinjao’s will…”
“This tournament’s dark horse is fishing for weapons in the ring!!!”
“It’s “Jean the Bandit”!!!”
“He’s a bounty hunter who’s earned the hatred of all the big name pirates throughout the New World!!!”
Pirate: “Now that I’ve spotted you, you’re finished!!!”
“You sent a buddy of mine to the slammer! I’ll never forget that!!”
Jean: “These weapons I’ve picked up are my “bullets” ”
“I’m a sniper…!!”
Pirate: “Uwahh!!”
Jean: “If your precious friend really went to prison, then show a bit more mettle and go get him!!”
“Like that one idiot did, two years ago!!”
Page 12:
Kerry: “Rahh!!”
Crowd: “Kyahh!!”
“Oi!! He’s already lost consciousness!!”
“Why does he just keep punching!?”
Kerry: “Rarararararah!!!”
Bobby: “Oi, cut it out, bro!!!”
“He’s already done for!!!”
Page 13:
Bobby: “Enough already!!”
“I was holding him for you”
Crowd: “Uwahh!!!”
Kerry: “Hah…hah!!”
Text: “Assassins from the Mogaro Kingdom: The Funk Brothers”
Kerry: “That bastard called me a shrimp!!!”
“Hey, Bobby, you think I’m shrimpy!!? Huh, do ya!!?”
Bobby: “Not at all, bro. You’re real big”
Kerry: “Try sayin’ something now, you octopus!!!”
Bobby: “Come on now, bro!!”
“Ah!! I was holding him down for you!!”
Page 14:
Kerry: “Keh”
“Next time I’ll gouge out your damn eyes!!!”
Text: “Older Brother: Kerry Funk”
Kerry: “And you came over to stop me, didn’t you Bobby!!!”
Text: “Younger Brother: Bobby”
Bobby: “But this is a match, bro!!”
Gats: “It’s the excessively violent Funk Brothers!!”
“They’re a pair of killers known by all involved in the underworld!!!”
“It’s said that they’re strong enough”
“To even take down pirates with bounties over 100 million!!!”
Boo: “All these noisy guys… Just how many street fighters and boxers”
“Without any formal training are there?”
“I’m looking at you!!!”
Kerry: “Huh?”
Page 15:
Buu: “Hey!! Shrimp!!!
Kerry: “Bogehh!!
Sfx: *fwish*
Bobby: “Big bro!!!”
Boo: “Ehh!!?”
Crowd: “Ehh!!?”
Gats: “So weak!!!”
“No… or maybe it’s just that that Happou Navy’s Boo is too strong…!!”
“What a failure to live up to expectations!! Where’s the impressive fighter we were promised!! What a fool!”
Girl: “Gats-san!!”
Page 16:
Boo: “You too, little brother!!!”
Bobby: “Wait, I won’t fight!! Since I was born…”
“I’ve never even fought once!!!”
Gats: “He’s shown his back!!! These brothers are the worst!!!”
Boo: “The axe broke…”
“But I had imbued this axe with armament haki!!!”
“…What a ridiculously tough body
Bobby: “Big bro…”
Kerry: “Th… that bastard… he called me a shrimp…!!”
“Hurry up and… “wear” me, Bobby!!”
Page 17:
Crowd: “Kyahh!!”
Gats: “Eh!!?”
“What in the world is happening here!!?”
Sai: “Boo!!!”
Gats: “Kanokuni’s Boo has been beaten to a pulp!!! He’s already lost consciousness!!!”
“The one punching is…!? The feeble younger brother, Bobby!? No! The weakling older brother, Kerry!?”
Bobby/Kerry: “Rararararararah!!!”
Gats: “Seems like the older brother!! But he got huge and appears to be a completely different person!!!”
B/K: “Now who’s the shrimp? Just try sayin’ that again…!!!”
“And I’ll rip out that throat of yours!!!”
Page 18:
Gats: “And what do we have here? I seems that Lucy’s helmet”
“Has been stolen away by Jean the Bandit!!”
Luffy: “Oi, give that back!!!”
Jean: “I heard a strange rumor”
“They say the pirate Strawhat Luffy, with a bounty of 400 million”
“Has inserted himself into this tournament…!!”
Luffy: “Hmm!?”
Gats: “And over there is Don Chinjao, charging forward with a clear purpose!!!”
Chinjao: “If only you could see this, Garp… what I’m about to do to your grandson…!!!”
Page 19:
Gats: “There are about 40 fighters remaining in C-block!!!”
“And only the biggest names are emerging from the mix!!!”
“Who’s gonna win this thing!!?”
Blurb: “A white hot burning battle!!”
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