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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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[Spoiler] 1076 Öngörüş

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Chapter 1076 Old Friend
-Rob and Kaku are freed
•Rob and Luffy vs S-Bear
•Kaku and Zolo vs S-Hawk
-S-Hawk has Mr.1’s devil fruit
-real Vegapunk is imprisoned together with some cp0 agents, who have been locked up there for months
-Shanks is at Elbaf with the Giants(Brogy, Dorry and etc)
-Kid has arrived at the coast of Elbaf.
Chapter 1076 Old Friend
-Rob and Kaku are freed
•Rob and Luffy vs S-Bear
•Kaku and Zolo vs S-Hawk
-S-Hawk has Mr.1’s devil fruit
-real Vegapunk is imprisoned together with some cp0 agents, who have been locked up there for months
-Shanks is at Elbaf with the Giants(Brogy, Dorry and etc)
-Kid has arrived at the coast of Elbaf.
Mihawk'a Mr.1'nın meyvesini vermek yerine Buggy'nin meyvesini verselermiş daha iyi. Direkt anti kılıç meyvesi gibi bir şey o.
Chapter 1076 Old Friend
-Rob and Kaku are freed
•Rob and Luffy vs S-Bear
•Kaku and Zolo vs S-Hawk
-S-Hawk has Mr.1’s devil fruit
-real Vegapunk is imprisoned together with some cp0 agents, who have been locked up there for months
-Shanks is at Elbaf with the Giants(Brogy, Dorry and etc)
-Kid has arrived at the coast of Elbaf.
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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