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[Spoiler] 1019: Triserakopter

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Acaba yamatonun meyvesinin özel olması ve minke benzetilmesinin sebebi meyvenin sürekli Sulong mink formuna sahip olması olabilirmi. Yani sanki hep dolunay gücünde duran bir mink gibi ancak kısıtlamalar yok.
Bu hafta içinde 1020.bölümün spoilerlarını alabiliriz koreli kıyak geçerse. Eğer bu ihtimal gerçekleşirse 1 hafta boyunca spoiler tartışılacak.

•Ortalama güç: 59
•Manga bilgisi: 69
•Anime bilgisi: 20
•Üyelere karşı sabır: 8
•Objektif yorumlama: 1
•Özel yetenekler: Yalancı çobanlık(fake spoiler ile meselayı her seferinde yedirir)
@Montana biz sana erkenden spoiler verelim sen bana yalancı de. Son kıyağımız olsun bu.

Chapter 1020 spoilers

Title: Gomu Gomu no worororororo!

Luffy eats meat on laws ship, and the ship arrives at the port, luffy and law's crew gets off

Lufffy uses Gomu Gomu no rocket to reach onigashima and he's hanging on a rock and climbing the skull...

Zoro gets the injection and screams (his scream echoes through the whole skull dome, or the whole Island) it seems his scream was enought to make people believe it was a monster roar..

Cut to Yamato vs Kaido
Yamato is injured very badly and is still fighting kaido
Kaido: it seems even in that form you can only keep up with me, you still can't damage me, your fruit is what that is keeping you standing..
Yamato: I know but i only have to hold on for a few more minutes

Cut to live floor
Ussop and Nami have managed to get away from the gifters

Ussop is depressed and is questioning himself "what am I doing here?, These people are all stronger and better than me.. Luffy tell me what should I do"

Cut to rooftop again

It seems that Kaido has defeated Yamato
Kaido: see that, you're still not enough to defeat me...
Yamato is passed out

On the last epic page
Kaido says is again sarcastically:
"Gomu Gomu no" worororororo

Luffy is standing behind him and his face isn't showing
No break next week
Chapter consist 20 pages
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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