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One Piece 300 Milyon Kutlama!

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Eiichiro odaya gerçekten çok saygı duyuyorum. Röpörtajı okuduktan sonra saygım dahada arttı.
Bu sene Taiwan'da düzenlenecek olan One Piece Ten (Sergi) ile ilgili yeni bilgiler.

News surrounding the upcoming Taiwanese version of the One Piece Exhibition -One Piece Ten- has been revealed.

According to Japanese news website natalie.mu, the One Piece Exhibition will be revealing a new Dressrosa Arc inspired display focusing on the theme “The “Light and Darkness” of Dressrosa” showcasing the past, and future, of the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

The exhibition will be held from July 1, 2014 until September 22, 2014 and is the third edition of the official One Piece Exhibition supervised by manga artist and creator Eiichiro Oda (in case you guys didn’t know yet). The previous Tokyo and Osaka edition of the One Piece Exhibition have amassed over 800 000 visitors.
Tickets for the exhibition are now also available for pre-purchase on the Taiwanese ticket system “ibon”.

Source: natalie.mu

Note: Chief Editor Heishi is the man standing on the right in the picture.
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her kopyadan 1 dolar kazansa 320 milyon doları var demek :D yurt dışı satışlarında kazandığını da harcadı sayalım. İyi para :D

Edit: nasıl mangaka oluruz beyler :D
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