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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma


Sowo: Hey Chairman, what's the big idea?
Cman: What do you mean, milady?
S: Can you explain to me why the rankers that should be going to stop Kallavan are attacking me?
CMan: That's... you know very well why, don't you? According to information from Delete, the intruder is a former corps commander of Zahard! Of course I am going to ally myself with him! Even a three year old would make that choice in this Tower! Why would I risk everything by allying myself with FUG instead of Zahard (Ken Zon tier flip flopping)
S: Hey! Don't take that tone against me, do you know how old I am? Is it not your purpose to maintain the seal? (You young'un! Do you know who I am!) CMan: That's something we had to do for the sake of peace! We obey whatever Zahard's army tells us to do, and if they say unseal, we'll unseal! Then we'll be spared! We're doing what is best for us, so worry about yourself, because you're now going to die!
S: This.. this fucking mochi!! Shit, this is so complicated! It's all because of the Slayer Candidate clouding my vision that is putting us in this kind of situation! Kel Hellam, what are you expecting from him!!

F52, Kallavan vs White 02

Hatsu: What's going on in this battle? White changed the color of his sword, and left a cut on Kallavan's arm. I didn't see the sword hit after the swing, but the cut suddenly appeared. I don't think I have any place in this battle. I'd only get in the way. But I am lucky that I can observe this battle. I will take in all I can of his sword with my two eyes. Each and every one of his moves, down to the hairwidth movement of his hands, even though I may never reach his skill... at least so that I may at least for once swing my sword perfectly when the time comes.
Ka: A wound on my body!
W: Are you surprised by a cut? Well, a Corps commander seldom would have to see his own blood.
Ka: Admittedly, yes.
W: Keukeu, in the prime of His Majesty, you would have seen faster and stronger attacks.

W: Of course, now I can only use a few of those kinds of attacks.
Ka: Truly... amazing. You do deserve more attention.
W: Now you understand? However! Too late! These attacks may not kill you, but you are alone and we are many. If you accumulate more damage, it would be the worst, would it be not, Kallavan?
Ka: Then I won't let it accumulate!
W: My body may be weakened but I am certainly not inferior to you in step. Unlike before when my strikes did no damage, you will have trouble getting closer to me.
Ka: You are going to kite me?
W: Kiting? You do not know me. Your Majesty does not flee from battle! My blade knows only attacking, and more attacking! Your Majesty shall spend the next few moments burying you in attacks.

[White Style Bladework - Fatality Move: Violet Demented Blade

Ka: No backing out of it. I wanted to keep things on the down low, but I am sorry Canne.
W: Neutralize his majesty's blade! Did he explode the shinsoo in the area? The flow, it has changed. Not only that, but his wound on his arms are gone.
Ka: Your attacks are threatening. I will give you that. But I didn't say that was my all either. A certain woman had asked me to minimized the damage to these walls. But I think I will have to break it a bit if it means taking you down!
W: What you bastard! Another charge?! This is a new sensation. Until now, he wasn't even using Shinsoo reinforcement properly! Respect your majesty!
Kallavan: I do respect you. Legendary Slayer White, a target by the Royal Army. If you are real, and I capture you alive, I may get promoted rather quickly.
W: This fucker...! (Is that why he said he respected me!) KEUK!
Kalla: Explosion! BOMBER!
H: White!
W: Tough battle. My soul power's running out. If I was in my prime, I wouldn't be pushed back so hard by someone so young! This is trouble. What is taking that woman so long!
Canne: The sign I have for awakening my sister. The Memory I have of her. My memory the month before she was sealed is foggy too, but I remember exactly what the sign to unseal her was. If I remember and miss her when I undo the seal, the seal is released, and I lose my memory of her as the price. Maybe she wanted me to forget her and life happily ever after, but... she was really kind. And because she is so kind, she is cruel to me. Come back my sister!

S: You alright ricecake?
W: it's that the Guide? Now aren't you early?
S: Where's Canne?
K: that's a new one.
W: Canne? If you are talking about the Hero's younger sister, she's in the room but theres no news from her.
S: what? I sent you here to stop her, why are you letting her do it?
W: Your being unreasonable, don't talk back to your majesty like that, it's all part of the plan
S: What plan- What the
H: What? Flower petals?
Townsfolk: petals?
CMan: is the seal undone?
Dowon: Have I been released?
Kalla: the hero of the rebels...
TRANSLATION BY AdiosCorea from Wikia Discord(Click here to join)

Dowon: Have I been awakened?

Kalla: Hero of the Rebel army..!

Wh: Is she the one that was sealed?

So: Dowon!

Wh: Certainly a grand enterence

Hatsu: So she's...

D: phew... The outside Shinsoo, the outside view... am I really awake? I'm sorry Canne. So this ended up happening after all.

Khun: Blue petals? Could it be?

Del: So the seal is released?

[TOG 52F Dowon - 01]

Dowon: So this is the inside of the walls. It is filled with Canne's memories.

Wh: Congratulations on your release, hero! For you stand in the presence of former Slayer of FUG. Well, his highness currently do not hold that title, but he shall reclaim it once more in due time.

Sowo: That fucker... (he's really quick about this kinda stuff)

Wh: So you have fought beside FUG against Zahard. This is the most improper, but you must aide in combat.

Dowon: A battle?

Wh: Yes, for you see, the man below us is a former Corps commander of Zahard. He came here to awaken then kill you. You dislike Zahard's army, yes? So why don't you help his majesty in befelling the fellow? (And I can eat their soul [possibly plural] keukeu) his majesty is currently unable to unlease his full power as it is right now, hence this request for aid. (Consider it an honor.)

D: Oh? Of course... Still fighting, even in this world. But regardless of who I was in the past, I choose who I ally myself with.

S: Hey! Dodge!


Baam: This is not the time to be fighting! At this rate, Kallavan will kill your hero and you will not come out unscathed either! There is no reason for protecting the peace and harmony here once the hero is released! Please help us stop Kallavan! Your hero saved your ancestors!

Delete: Shut up! Even if we are lucky and stop him, there is no place in this Tower for those who oppose Zahard's Army. At least if I capture you before you try and stop him, maybe I would be able to beg for mercy and live. This needle is made of ore from the famous mines of Cherry River. This needle is unimaginably harder than the last one. Your attacks will not break this one.

B: I said we need to stop! There is no point in us fighting!

Khun: Baam! There's no point in talking to him. He has his principles from climbing!

B: Principles?

Kh: Yes! He obeys power? We need to show him overwhelming power! Even if you don't understand, sometimes, you just have to play by their rules.

B: Mr. Khun's right. He is following his own principles. There is only one way to make him listen: Subdue him with overwhelming power!!

Kh: Rak, distract him! I'll set up a teleport so Baam can get closer!

Rak: Got it!

Kh: Baam! Rush him as fast as possible!

B: Got it!

[Shinsoo Manipulation: Water Dragon]

Delete: Is he a wave controller? That's a new technique.


K: Baam! I'll teleport you closer, get ready to attack

B: Understood! (With maximum Shinsoo Reenforcement!!)

Delete: The Cherry River Needle.... broken so easily!

B: Please sir, do as we say. You are outmatched by us.

D: Why do you not kill?

B: You are a good man. If you attacked my allies first, you could have won, but you chose not to. Even if might makes right in this Tower, you are not the one to hurt the weak.

D: Alright. I will help you. You are definitely stronger than I am.

B: Thank you!

D: Then let's go together-

D: Hurry!

B: of course!


Wh: The fuck! Why is she attacking?! Did his majesty do something wrong? You're on our side!

Dowon: I spent eons sealed, yet the world still fights.

Kalla: Well this is was unexpected.

Dowon: I have all of Canne's memories. I know what just happened, I know who you are. I hoped that it would be a more peaceful world when I came out, but he was right.

Sowo: Who's he?

Dowon: A few days before I was sealed, there was a man I met.

[The Past, Before Dowon was sealed]

PResent DoWon: After accepting the Terms set by Zahard's Army, I returned home to be sealed, but I was only greeted by Canne. Everyone else looked away from me and didn't talk to me. They forced me to sacrifice myself, but they couldn't have been proud of it. I was still the warrior chosen to fight for them at the end of the day. I made my choice. That if I'm sacrificing myself for them, I wouldn't hold it against them either. I would take the memories that would haunt them with me, memories about me. If that would give them true peace... A few days after I came back, The Army of Zahard pulled back their troops, and the people started looking brighter. The village was becoming lively again. I couldn't stand it for some reason, so I stayed with Canne, staying inside the entire time. When I saw Canne worrying about me, I was worried, but I think her sadness was my only comfort. But then one day, when I stepped outside into town alone for a quick moment, a little child walked up to me, and grabbed my hand with her tiny hands. A warmth I hadn't felt recently.

Past DW: What is it, little girl?

PRDW: I held her hand and asked her.

Girl: Dowon, mommy and daddy told me that if you run away we're all gonna die, so I am gonna hold on to you real tight.

PRDW: I was sad. What sin does she have? Humans are living creatures that want to stay alive from birth, how could I blame them?

Past DW: Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere

PRDW: I hoped that the world after I was sealed would be one with no conflict but only peace.

PRDW: And when I came back home, there was a man waiting for me.

Past DW: Who...

PRDW: The man called himself-

NotQuiteZahard: Hello? Wanna chat? Just call me the Boss.

PRDW: He introduced himself as a nameless adventurer. He told me stories of his adventures. Stories so outlandish I couldn't even believe it. But they were fun stories, so I thought him less a con and more a storyteller. He knew I was going to be sealed soon, and he told me that I would be released one day. I was curious, and asked him if there would be peace in this world when I finally wake up, and he was certain that the world would still be fighting. Until then, I was hesitant to believe him, but ironically, the words that hurt me the most were also the most believable. He told me that when I wake up in the future, there will be a boy that will start a war.He told me that I will face him when I finally wake up. His eyes, when he was talking about the boy, they were like a child's eye filled with wonder, without good or evil, but I could tell this: if they boy appeared in the Tower, the Tower will face great changes, and a death equal in amount.

(End of the flashback)

Wh: A boy? Who are you talking about?

Dowon: You can see him. He's coming this way right now. As the man said it. That's him. The Thorn that will stab the King's throat. He will bring bloodshed to this Tower.

Wh: FUCK! We need to go to him! Follow him!

B: You are...!?

D: I know this is the first time we've met, but I know about you. So many people could be saved, if you just disappeared.

Rak: WAT?!

B: (That attack!? Danger! Shinwonryu!)

D: He disabled my Shinsoo Manipulation Techinque! He's the one! He has to be!

Yeni prensimiz hayırlı olsun, birşeyler çözülecek derken daha da karıştı ortalık. Yaşlıdan yardım bekliyorum.
Dowon haklı baam canavar.
Bu zahardın ölümsüzlük kazanmanın şekli ile bu prenslerin bir alakası olabilir mi? Kendini bölmüş olmak gibi mesela?? Gardiyan belki bu şeklide ölümsüzlük vermiştir ona. Hepsinin farklı antlaşmaları var sonuç olarak
Kesinlikle ölümsüzlük ve oğlu olmaması arasında bağ çıkmalı bence.
Farklı aileler farklı bedeller ödemiştir.
V de bedel ödememek için ölümsüz olmamış olabilir.

Belki bu olay daha Baam ı öldürmeden önce olmuştur. Kehaneti bildiği için önlem alıyordur.
Yani hepsi farklı bedeller ödemiş. Biri cocuklarının ömründen çalıyor, biri evlenmiyor vs vs farklı bedeller. Harry potter daki hortkuluk hesabı ruhu bu prens dedigimiz sahışları kap olarak kullanabilir. Ben cocuğu olacağını sanmıyorum ama bakalım ne çıkıcak
Yani hepsi farklı bedeller ödemiş. Biri cocuklarının ömründen çalıyor, biri evlenmiyor vs vs farklı bedeller. Harry potter daki hortkuluk hesabı ruhu bu prens dedigimiz sahışları kap olarak kullanabilir. Ben cocuğu olacağını sanmıyorum ama bakalım ne çıkıcak
Wangnan zahardın ruhuna hiç uymuyor, tavuk kılığın girip civ civ taklidi yaptı. Zahard güçten düşmüşmüdür peki white gibi tekrar içine mi alıcak. Bence zahardın çocukları kral tohumu diyolar. Bedel konusundaysa zaten arkadaşlarını sattılar arlene ve v bunların kankasıydı. Hepsi bir tarafını kurtarmak için zahardın yanına geçti. Evlenmiyor dediğin kim yeon ise o kesin V yada zaharda aşık ondan evlenmiyordur.
Wangnan zahardın ruhuna hiç uymuyor, tavuk kılığın girip civ civ taklidi yaptı. Zahard güçten düşmüşmüdür peki white gibi tekrar içine mi alıcak. Bence zahardın çocukları kral tohumu diyolar. Bedel konusundaysa zaten arkadaşlarını sattılar arlene ve v bunların kankasıydı. Hepsi bir tarafını kurtarmak için zahardın yanına geçti. Evlenmiyor dediğin kim yeon ise o kesin V yada zaharda aşık ondan evlenmiyordur.
Evet ondan bahsediyorum ama bence birisine asık olmaktan dolayı degil sonucta direk kendisi ürememis bu soy icin gerekli ama bu yolu seçmemis, bundan dolayı bence şartlardan biri ürememesi, evlenmemesi gbi gibi olabilir.

Zahard'ın çocukları diyolar ama bana en basiti klon teorisi bile daha yakın geliyor. Yada kaderi yenmenin yolunu buldum diyor, belki gene bununla alakalıdır. Yani benim sölediklerimde cok uçarı ama bana çocuğu çıkıcak olmasından daha muhtemel geliyor.

Belkide ölümsüzlüğü açılmamıs olan üst katlarda geçerli değildir tam hatırlamıyorum ama muhtemelen öleydi sanırım. Kaderi yenmenin yolunu buldumdan kasıtta bu tarz bir taşıyıcı olabilir.

Birde bedel derken ölümsüzlük elde edilmesi ile birlikte hepsi farklı bedeller ödedi, arkadaşlarını satmaları ne alaka anlayamadım??
Evet ondan bahsediyorum ama bence birisine asık olmaktan dolayı degil sonucta direk kendisi ürememis bu soy icin gerekli ama bu yolu seçmemis, bundan dolayı bence şartlardan biri ürememesi, evlenmemesi gbi gibi olabilir.

Zahard'ın çocukları diyolar ama bana en basiti klon teorisi bile daha yakın geliyor. Yada kaderi yenmenin yolunu buldum diyor, belki gene bununla alakalıdır. Yani benim sölediklerimde cok uçarı ama bana çocuğu çıkıcak olmasından daha muhtemel geliyor.

Belkide ölümsüzlüğü açılmamıs olan üst katlarda geçerli değildir tam hatırlamıyorum ama muhtemelen öleydi sanırım. Kaderi yenmenin yolunu buldumdan kasıtta bu tarz bir taşıyıcı olabilir.

Birde bedel derken ölümsüzlük elde edilmesi ile birlikte hepsi farklı bedeller ödedi, arkadaşlarını satmaları ne alaka anlayamadım??
Data khun baama dediya ne oldu da bu kadar değiştim, ölümsüzlük, varlık,zenginlik için zaharda biat ettiler. Asıl amaçları kuleyi tırmanmaktı. Khun V 'yi asıl kral olarak görüyordu. Arkadaşını yalnız bırakmazdı. Zaharda biat etmeseler ölümsüz olamazlardı. Onu kastettim. Bana göre zaharda karşı prensesler nasıl donup kalıyorsa aile liderleride öyle olmalı.

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