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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Cilt 90 [4 Eylül 2018]

Yine hasta hasta cevaplar vermiş. :D Hele şurası:
Q: Oda-san, hello! After the fight with Katakuri, Luffy covered his exposed mouth with his hat right? Both of them were really cool!! I thought to myself how I also want to cover your "Mark of a man" with a hat if I ever found you sleeping naked by the side of the road, Oda-san!! P.N. Neon

Oda: It happens doesn’t it, sometimes you would just see Oda-san sleeping naked by the side of the road. But could you even cover it? Could a hat ever cover MY MARK OF A MAN!? (Okay enough’s enough. I am in good health.)
Mary Geois'teki şapka anca kapatır deseymiş bi de üstüne :D
Q: I really like Crocodile, Mihawk, and Doflamingo. These three haven’t left behind any offspring, are they going to be single forever? If they did have children, what would their faces look like? P.N. Purple Panda

Oda: They do have experience with weddings --. I don’t know whether or not they had children but you can enjoy my imagination. And with that, see you next SBS!

  • Crocodile kid: I have completed my homework father!

  • Mihawk kid: What do you want, Rabbit-bastard

  • Doflamingo kid: Papa, my allowance was stolen, give me some more.

Mihawk yada Doflamingo fanı olsaydım ve Croco yerine bir amiralden yada yonkoudan bahsetmiş olsaydı soruyu soran, abi bak resmen Oda bilerek seçmiş bu soruyu, bak resmen 3'ü aynı seviyenin adamı diyor alttan alttan görüyon mu derdim. Ama fan olmadığım için gayet rahat bir şekilde, güç seviyesi kasmadan okuyup geçebiliyorum.

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