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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Townsfolk 1: To think we were actually being protected by Oden.
Shinobu: ...
Townsfolk 2: Even If you tell us all that now, our emotions can’t keep with with these sequence of events!!!
Fukurokuju: Stuff like the truth, will only bring about disorder/chaos Shinobu. ‘The foolish lord that defied the Shogun will die’, everyone will understand and then the execution will come to a close.
Shinobu: Fukurokuju!!!
Fukurokuju: I’m sure you were aware of the consequences when you spoke.
Shinobu: I’ve already given it up. I’ve already lived and died with them!!! I’m master Oden’s vassal!! I will not obey you!!!
Shinobu: If anything happens to them, I intend to die along with the Kozuki family.
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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