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Title: The Great Sumo of Wano

Urashima is enraged and attempts to strike Kiku
Luffy intervenes and repels Urashima’s attack
Luffy is temporarily introduced as a sumo. His combat experience? Complete victory against Usopp.
Holdem attempts to pinch Tama’s cheeks but this yields no result. Tama begins to cry.
Holdem calls the Kozuki clan an evil clan that were going to destroy Wano 20 years ago.
Law and the Heart Pirates are shown. Law has been undercover as a doctor.
Luffy sends Urashima flying and he crashes into Holdem’s estate
Holdem’s lion takes Tama in its mouth.
Hawkins arrives, drawn by the commotion
Law sees Hawkins arrive and becomes irritated/anxious

Break next week.

Source: 5ch
Translated by: Me (Den_Den_Mushi)
Başlık:Wano'nun büyük Sumo'su

Urashima çok kızmış ve Kiku'ya vurmaya çalışmıs. Luffy araya girmiş ve Urashima'nın saldırısını püskürtmüş. Luffy daha önce Usopp'a karşı zafer kazandığı için geçici olarak Sumo diye tanıtılmış.

Holdem Tama'nın yanaklarını çimdiklemiş ama bir işe yaramamış. Tama ağlamaya başlamış.

Holdem Kozuki Klanı'ndan 20 yıl önce Wano'yu yıkmaya çalışan şeytani bir klan diye bahsetmiş.

Law ve kalp korsanları gösterilmiş. Law doktor kılığındaymış.

Luffy Urashima' yı fırlatmış ve o Holdem'ım arazisine çarpmış.

Holdem'ın aslanı Tama'yı ağzına almış. Hawkins gelmiş. (Bu kısım kargaşa içinde çizilmiş (?)) Law Hawkins'in geldiğini görmüş ve endişelenmiş.

Haftaya ara var.

Edit:Kimse çevirmeyince çevireyim dedim. Benden bu kadar oluyor, daha düzgün çeviri gelene kadar idare eder en azından :ehe:
New details.

- Color Spread is tittled "Stylish Summer". We can see all Staw Hat crew in summer scenes: Nami very sexy in the front with a bi, Robin, Brook and Usopp in a BBQ, Luffy trying to hit a watermelon or Chopper with fireworks.
- Luffy stops Urashima attack to Kiku making his hand bigger.
- Urashima attacks Luffy constantly but Luffy avoid all his attacks with Haki.
- Holdem pinchs Tama’s cheek with a tweezers.
- Luffy defeats Urashima with a Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol, his hand is like all Urashima body.
- Urashima flies away, destroying a lot of houses.
- More Drifters appears, one of them is Rabbit Smile user that has a cute rabbit face in the chin lol
- Luffy, Zoro and Kiku defeat them.
- Finally Holdem appears with Tama in lion's mouth. At the same time Hawkins appears too
Yeni detaylar:

-Yaz ile ilgili bir kapak varmış.
-Luffy Urashima'nın Kiku'ya saldırısını elini büyüterek durdurmuş.
- Urashima ikide bir Luffy'e saldırıyormuş ama Luffy saldırılardan haki ile kaçmış.
-Urashima uzaklara uçmuş, uçarken bir sürü binayı yıkmış.
- Luffy Urashima'yı Gigant Pistol ile yenmiş. Luffy'nin eli Urashima'nın vücudu gibiymiş.
-Holdem Tama'nın yanağını cımbız ile çimdiklemiş.
- Daha fazla drifter görünmüş, tavşan smile kullanıcısının çenesinde sevimli bir tavşan varmış.
-Luffy, Zoro ve Kiku onları yenmişler.
- Hawkins ortaya çıktığı zaman Holdem da aslanın ağzındaki Tama ile birlikte ortaya çıkmış.
Son düzenleme:
Some of the content in Japanese Spoiler that Den_Den_Mushi has cut off.
Trans by Anon on 4chan:

When Luffy blocks Urashima's initial attack, both of them are pushed to the respective edge of the stage. That is what made Urashima challenge Luffy to a sumo match. Luffy's sumo name is "The pirate who wants to do sumo" Luffy of the Sea. He also easily dodges Urashima's attacks afterwards.

Holdem mentions to Tama, in an attempt to make her cry more, that the entire Kozuki clan has been obliterated for betraying Wano.

Scene changes to Law's group. bepo fell into teh river trying to catch a fish, so Law couldn't rush to the city to stop Luffy as he saved Bepo first. (Does Bepo have a DF now? Or is he just a bad swimmer?)

When Holdem appears before Luffy with Tama in his lion's mouth, he asks them if they are thieves working for someone named Shuten Maru. He also says that he will bite Tama to death if they move.
Hawkins, rushing to Bakura Town, tells his men to not shoot Luffy. He says the likes of them can never beat someone like him while looking anxious. In the same moment Law notices that Luffy has caused major trouble in the town and he looks anxious as well.
Editor's text: Can these two people connect with another!? Hawkins has seen the future... and it is the worst nightmare!?
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