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Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
- The chapter begins with the Shinuchi Speed. Tama has traveled to Onigashima on Speed's ship.
- It seems that the Shinuchi and the Gifters are eating dangos to become allies.
- Franky Vs. Sasaki.
- Nami uses the "Thunderlance Tempo" against Ulti.
- Usopp shoots dangos at enemies.
- Black Maria says something about Nico Robin to Sanji (about the image).
- Baofang finds the Red Pods with his ability.
- King orders something from Black Maria.
- It seems that in the area where the Red Pods are there are not only 9 people, there are 10 according to Baofang. That 10th person is helping them.
- Next week there is rest.

- Bölüm Speed ile başlıyor. Tama da, Speed'in gemisini kullanarak Onigashima'ya ulaşmış.
- Yapay meyve kullanıcıları, Usopp'un attığı kibidangoları yiyerek bizim tarafa geçmeye başlamışlar.
- Franky ve Sasaki arasındaki dövüş sürüyormuş.
- Nami, Ulti'ye karşı yıldırım gücünü kullanmış.
- Black Maria; Sanji'ye, Nico Robin hakkında bir şey söylemiş.
- King, Black Maria'dan Kızıl Kınlar'ı öldürmesini istemiş.
- Bao Huang'a göre Kızıl Kınlar'ın olduğu yerde 9 değil, 10 kişi varmış. 10. kişi onlara yardım ediyormuş.
- Haftaya ara var.

Son düzenleme:
From WG

-On King's order, Black Maria is going to end someone's life.

-Spoiler does not actually mention that King and Black Maria interact in this chapter


-King birisinin hayatını sonlandırmak için Black Maria'ya emir vermiş.(Geçmiş zamandan bahsediyor ve biz bunu şimdiki zamanda öğreniyoruz)

-Spoiler, Black Maria ve King'in etkileşime girdiğinden bahsetmiyor
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Aslında burda paylaşmak istemedim doğruluk yüzünden ama 9 kın meselesi doğru olunca ve kaynak güvenilir olunca bu da doğrudur diye düşünüyorum:

TalkOP'un spoilerina göre Black Maria, Sanji'den Robin'i getirmesini isteyerek onu(Robin'i) ele geçirmek istiyor. Bir nevi Sanji'yi kullanacak bu durum için.
Fotoğrafı atan 5ch üyesinden:

Speed gave Kibi dangos to Gazelleman, Daifugou and other beast pirates saying that it's for recovery.

Sanji can't fight back so he's hurt. Black Maria(I guess, the provider didn's say her name) said that they would torture Robin and use her(provider says later that she didn't such dangerous word as 'torture' but it was a pain to write what she said) and Sanji got angry and said "Don't underestimate Robin"

The red scabbards were found, Black Maria is going there but someone tells her to be careful since there are 10 people not 9.

In a later post the provider says that the red scabbards are in the treasure storage

On the other side Nami uses a Thuner Lance Tempo to Ulti(değiştirilmiş) but says "I can't defeat him, i need a more powerful lightning"

It's a bit difficult to understand but seems that Franky is winning against Sasaki
Son düzenleme:
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1.004: "Kibi Dango".

In the cover Chopper, a squirrel and a monkey are eating Rumble Ball candies together.

Chapter starts with Speed (the horse Headliner), she's going around Onigashima's castle giving dango to the Gifters, saying dangos are a special recovery medicine from Queen.

A little flashback starts. We can see Tama, she's wanting to go help fight at Onigashima. She wants to see Wanokuni with Momonosuke as Shogun and she doesn't want to be hungry again. So she used Speed's personal ship to go Onigashima, taking Speed, Gazelleman and Daifugou together with her. On the ship, Tama created a huge amount of Kibi Dango.

Cut back to present. We see Gazelleman and Daifugou running around Onigashima's castle and distributing dango to Gifters too.

Cut to Franky Vs. Sasaki fighting. Franky Shougun shoots its "Weapons Left" at Sasaki but the attack doesn't work. Sasaki crashes into Franky Shougun but Franky grabs his horns and throws him.

Franky Shougun is about to shoot another weapon but the Armored Division jumps all over it and grabs its robotic arms and legs. These Gifters are very strong, together they manage to hold Franky Shougun still while Sasaki is charging again.

But suddenly Usopp, Nami, Tama, and Komachiyo run into the scene followed by an army of Gifters who are now on their side. Franky uses this chance to get away, so Sasaki crashes into the Armored Division instead.

Ulti and Page One (that are following Usopp and Nami) shout that these Gifters have betrayed them. Sasaki is confused on why they betrayed them. Ulti jumps at Komachiyo, but Nami uses her "Thunder Lance=Tempo" to stop Ulti. The attack hits Ulti directly and she falls to the ground.

Nami: "This isn't enough to stop her. I need a stronger thunder!!"

Usopp uses "Hissatsu: Kibi Dango Star" to shoot dango into the Gifters' mouths, turning Sasaki's Armored Division into their allies. Sasaki is confused why his troops turned against him, Franky takes this chance to attack.

Franky Shougun uses a new attack called "Fran Blade: Victory V Flash". With a sword that emits light, Franky Shougun slashs Sasaki. The attack hits Sasaki directly and blood comes out.

Cut to Black Maria and Sanji. Sanji defeats all of Black Maria's male subordinates but he wouldn't touch the female ones, so Black Maria manages to catch him in her spider web.

Black Maria tells Sanji to shout for Robin, and her subordinate with eye-marked paper will send his voice all over the castle to lure Robin to Black Maria. She says Kaidou ordered her to take Nico Robin alive. Robin will be injured to the point that she can't escape and will kept alive until Kaido finishes using her.

Sanji: "Don't you dare underestimate Nico Robin!!"

Back to the Live Stage, Boa Huang announces that one of her spies (a rat with eye-marked paper) has found the Red Scabbards. They are lying unconscious in a room in the castle's keep. King is still busy (we see him receiving the report but can't see who he's fighting) so he orders someone to go and kill the samurai immediately.

Black Maria replies that she will go and do it herself, since the room is connected directly to her floor.

Bao Huang: "Hurry up, but beware! There are "10 people" in that room!
I can't see clearly because it's too dark...
but there's someone else in there, trying to help the samurai!!"

In the room, we see a silhouette of a mysterious person tending to Kinemon's wound. The person is normal size (half of Kinemon's size). We see the side of his/her face and the nose/mouth shape make it seems like that person is a female (or maybe young male).

The person is grinding his/her teeth and looks like there're tears dropping from his/her eyes.

End of chapter. Break next week.
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1.004: "Kibi Dango".

In the cover Chopper, a squirrel and a monkey are eating Rumble Ball candies together.

Chapter starts with Speed (the horse Headliner), she's going around Onigashima's castle giving dango to the Gifters, saying dangos are a special recovery medicine from Queen.

A little flashback starts. We can see Tama, she's wanting to go help fight at Onigashima. She wants to see Wanokuni with Momonosuke as Shogun and she doesn't want to be hungry again. So she used Speed's personal ship to go Onigashima, taking Speed, Gazelleman and Daifugou together with her. On the ship, Tama created a huge amount of Kibi Dango.

Cut back to present. We see Gazelleman and Daifugou running around Onigashima's castle and distributing dango to Gifters too.

Cut to Franky Vs. Sasaki fighting. Franky Shougun shoots its "Weapons Left" at Sasaki but the attack doesn't work. Sasaki crashes into Franky Shougun but Franky grabs his horns and throws him.

Franky Shougun is about to shoot another weapon but the Armored Division jumps all over it and grabs its robotic arms and legs. These Gifters are very strong, together they manage to hold Franky Shougun still while Sasaki is charging again.

But suddenly Usopp, Nami, Tama, and Komachiyo run into the scene followed by an army of Gifters who are now on their side. Franky uses this chance to get away, so Sasaki crashes into the Armored Division instead.

Ulti and Page One (that are following Usopp and Nami) shout that these Gifters have betrayed them. Sasaki is confused on why they betrayed them. Ulti jumps at Komachiyo, but Nami uses her "Thunder Lance=Tempo" to stop Ulti. The attack hits Ulti directly and she falls to the ground.

Nami: "This isn't enough to stop her. I need a stronger thunder!!"

Usopp uses "Hissatsu: Kibi Dango Star" to shoot dango into the Gifters' mouths, turning Sasaki's Armored Division into their allies. Sasaki is confused why his troops turned against him, Franky takes this chance to attack.

Franky Shougun uses a new attack called "Fran Blade: Victory V Flash". With a sword that emits light, Franky Shougun slashs Sasaki. The attack hits Sasaki directly and blood comes out.

Cut to Black Maria and Sanji. Sanji defeats all of Black Maria's male subordinates but he wouldn't touch the female ones, so Black Maria manages to catch him in her spider web.

Black Maria tells Sanji to shout for Robin, and her subordinate with eye-marked paper will send his voice all over the castle to lure Robin to Black Maria. She says Kaidou ordered her to take Nico Robin alive. Robin will be injured to the point that she can't escape and will kept alive until Kaido finishes using her.

Sanji: "Don't you dare underestimate Nico Robin!!"

Back to the Live Stage, Boa Huang announces that one of her spies (a rat with eye-marked paper) has found the Red Scabbards. They are lying unconscious in a room in the castle's keep. King is still busy (we see him receiving the report but can't see who he's fighting) so he orders someone to go and kill the samurai immediately.

Black Maria replies that she will go and do it herself, since the room is connected directly to her floor.

Bao Huang: "Hurry up, but beware! There are "10 people" in that room!
I can't see clearly because it's too dark...
but there's someone else in there, trying to help the samurai!!"

In the room, we see a silhouette of a mysterious person tending to Kinemon's wound. The person is normal size (half of Kinemon's size). We see the side of his/her face and the nose/mouth shape make it seems like that person is a female (or maybe young male).

The person is grinding his/her teeth and looks like there're tears dropping from his/her eyes.

End of chapter. Break next week.
Kapakta Chopper, bir sincap ve bir maymun birlikte Rumble Ball yiyorlar.

Bölüm Speed ile başlıyor, Onigashima'daki kaleyi dolaşıp gifterslara dango veriyormuş, dangoların Queen'den özel yenilenme ilacı olduğunu söylüyormuş.

Küçük bir flashback başlıyormuş;
Tama'yı görüyoruz, Onigashima'daki savaşa yardım etmek istiyormuş. Momo'yu Wanokuni'nin Shogun'u olarak görmek istiyor ve yeniden aç olmak istemiyormuş. Onigashima'ya gitmek için Speed'i gemi olarak kullanıyormuş ve Gazelleman ve Daifugo'yu yanına almış. Tama gemide büyük miktarda Kibi Dango yaratmış.

Günümüze geri dönüyoruz. Gazelleman ve Daifugo kalenin etrafında dolaşarak gifterslara dango dağıtıyormuş.

Franky vs Sasaki dövüşü görünüyor. Franky Shogun, Sasaki'ye karşı "Sol Silah" saldırısını kullanıyormuş ama işe yaramıyormuş. Sasaki Franky Shogun'a çarpıyor ama Franky Sasaki'nin boynuzunu tutup fırlatıyormuş.

Franky Shogun başka bir saldırı kullanacakken Zırhlı Tümen üstüne atlamış ve kollarını ve bacaklarını tutmuş. Bu gifterslar çok güçlüymüş, gifterslar Franky Shogun'u tutarlarken Sasaki bir daha çarpacakmış.

Bir anda Usopp, Nami, Tama, ve Komachiyo sahneye, yanlarında bulunan bir gifters ordusu ile giriş yapmış. Franky kaçmak için bu şansı kullanmış ve Sasaki Zırhlı Tümen'e çarpmış.

Ulti ve Page One(Usopp ve Nami'yi takip ediyorlarmış) bu giftersların onlara ihanet ettiğini söylemişler. Sasaki'nin onlara neden ihanet ettikleri konusunda kafası karışmış. Ulti, Komachiyo'ya atlamış ama Nami onu durdurmak için "Thunder Lance Tempo" saldırısını kullanmış. Saldırı Ulti'yi doğrudan çarpmış ve Ulti yere düşmüş.

Nami "Bu onu durdurmak için yeterli değil. Daha güçlü bir yıldırıma ihtiyacım var" demiş.

Usopp "Hissatsu Kibi Dango Star" isimli bir saldırı yaparak dangoları giftersların ağzına atmış ve Zırhlı Tümen'i müttefik haline getirmiş. Sasaki'nin, askerlerinin neden düşman tarafına geçtiği hakkında kafası karışmış, Franky bu şansı Sasaki'ye saldırmak için kullanmış.

Franky Shogun "Fran Blade: Victory V Flash" isimli yeni bir saldırı kullanmış. Franky Shogun Işın kılıcına benzer bir şeyle Sasaki'yi kesmiş. Saldırı doğrudan Sasaki'yi vurmuş ve Sasaki'den kan almış.

Black Maria ve Sanji tarafı görünüyormuş. Sanji, Black Maria'nın tüm erkek astlarını yenmiş ama kadınlara dokunmamış, Black Maria onu örümcek ağında yakalamış.

Black Maria, Sanji'ye Robin için bağırmasını ve göz işaretli kağıtlı astları Sanji'nin sesini, Robin'i Black Maria'ya çekmek için kalenin her tarafına göndermiş. Black Maria, Kaido'nun Robin'i canlı ele geçirmesi için emir verdiğini söylemiş. Robin'i kaçamayıncaya kadar yaralayacaklarmış ve Kaido'nun onunla işi bitene kadar hayatta kalacakmış.

Sanji "Nico Robin'i küçümsemeye cüret etme" demiş.

Boa Huang casuslarının Kızıl Kınları bulduğunu duyurmuş. Kalenin iç kısmındaki bir odada bilinçsizce yatıyorlarmış. King hala savaşıyormuş(kiminle savaştığı görünmüyor) bu yüzden birisine gidip samurayları öldürmesini emretmiş.

Black Maria, oda doğrudan katına bağlı olduğu için gidip bunu kendisinin yapacağını söylemiş.

Bao Huang: "Acele edin ama dikkatli olun! O odada 10 kişi var! Net göremiyorum çünkü çok karanlık ama orada samuraylara yardım etmeye çalışan başka biri var!" demiş.

Odada, Kin'emon'un yarasıyla ilgilenen gizemli kişinin siluetini görüyormuşuz. Bu kişi normal boyutlardaymış(Kin'emon'un yarısı kadar.) Yüzünün yan tarafı ve burun, ağız şeklinden dolayı o kişi kadın(ya da genç erkek) gibi görünüyormuş.

Bu kişi dişlerini gıcırdatıyor ve gözlerinden yaş süzülüyormuş.

Bölüm sonu. Haftaya ara var.
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