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[Spoiler] One-Punch Man (Murata)


Why did Madhouse drop One-Punch Man?

The excellent animation of Season 1 certainly contributed to One-Punch Man’s popularity. It then came as a big surprise, even a shock, that they would not be doing the second season.

We will be going quite in-depth in this article. The short answer, however, is this. The success of the first season of the One-Punch Man anime was largely the work of producer Shingo Natsume, rather than the work of Madhouse as a whole. As Shingo Natsume was not available, Madhouse very likely didn’t want to take on the project.

The contributions of Shingo Natsume
While the first season of the One-Punch Man anime was released under the flagship of Madhouse, director Shingo Natsume’s contributions really showed.

When accepting the job, he studied the whole storyline meticulously. He grew to love the project and felt he could do “great things” with it. When working on the first season’s 12 episodes, he made sure each cut had “a lot of meaning to it”. Be it suspense building or energy release, the most important thing was “not to cut corners”. And it showed.

With his vision and general quality as a director, Shingo Natsume attracted a lot of talented individuals to the project. That means that One-Punch Man had a lot of freelancers working on it that were not a permanent part of Madhouse.

Season 1 of One-Punch Man was at least as much Shingo Natsume’s as it was Madhouse.
When it was time for the second season of One-Punch Man to be created, Shingo Natsume was not available. Reading the above, it would then kind of make sense for Madhouse not to take on the project.
Şimdi anlaşıldı :/ Haklılarmış bırakmakta . @Res Dediğin gibiymiş .

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