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Chapter 1055 New Era

Momo: Yamato! stop!
Yamato: why?! Why am I not allowed to fight?!
Momo: You must stay out of this!!

Page 2
Raizo: Ninpo Scroll Scroll jutsu!
Fire Jutsu!

Aramaki: wahhhhh….!!
…Just kidding..
“Fireproof Forest”!
You really think you can take down a marine admiral by exploiting such obvious weakness?!

Raizo: ugh!!
Denjiro: Raizo!!

Page 3
Raizo: uohhhh!!!
Denjiro: Raizo?! Raizo!!!
Kawamatsu: curse it! No matter how much we cut them! They just grows back!
Cat: does he have any weakness?! Is mowing all of these really our only option?!

Page 4
【under the Castle: deeper below the secret room of Kozuki Sukiyaki】

Robin: you managed to follow my scents?
Law: it’s obvious I would be suspicious when I can’t find you with the others at the festival, don’t say it like I’m a hyena

Sukiyaki: watch your steps, mold grew all over here
I never told Kaido and Orochi about this route, but one of the lead performers…Jack is a fishman, so it didn’t took long for them to find the poneglyth….

Page 5
Robin: why does it take a fishman to find it?!
Sukiyaki: I shall let you see for yourselves!!
Law: just how deep does this go
Sukiyaki: let’s see, about several hundreds of years into the past…
Robin: where are these dim lights coming from?
Sukiyaki: they have glass blocks in them

Sukiyaki: now look…we’re already at the bottom of the sea…

Page 6-7
Robin: wha..?!! The country of Wano..on the sea floor?!
Sukiyaki: that’s land of Wano from about 800 years ago…the other one….
Law: what do you mean?

Sukiyaki: what it literally implies, although I have no knowledge of what happened that led to it either….
Since it’s not seawater, some of it is preserved
So, this is the story…
Long ago, there was the Land of Wano, within its boundary stands a great mountain, Mount Fuji.
Then at one point, wall surrounding their island was built.
And rain water accumulated within the wall…the people decided to abandon the old towns as they are no longer habitable….
They build new lands around the mountainside, and a new country was born

Robin: and that’s the current land of Wano!!
Sukiyaki: indeed

Page 8
Sukiyaki: and we have arrived…
Law: road poneglyth!!
Robin: Yes..this is the third one..one more and we’ll be able to travel to Laugh Tale!

Sukiyaki: we are currently at a high platform inside the cave at Mount Fuji’s base
And deep below….

【Current Location: former land of Wano】

Sukiyaki: …is the ancient weapon “Pluton”!!

Sukiyaki: I have never lay my eyes on it…nor will I be able to show you right now

Page 9
Sukiyaki: in order to bring Pluton out, the walls must be taken down!!
In other words…“opening the border” is to destroy the defensive walls of this country, it means to “unleash/liberate the Ancient Weapon”!!!

Robin: opening the border is to liberate a weapon?! Why would Kozuki Oden want something like that…
Sukiyaki: I have told you all there is to what has been passed down through the Shogun family. As for what Oden learned from his journey at sea, I do not know.

【Near the Flower Capital】
Aramaki: mere humans can’t possibly hold themselves against Mother Nature!!
You still don’t get it do you?! If Kaido is here I wouldn’t have come!!

Page 10
Aramaki: a sad story really, but Kaido’s reign is what’s keeping enemies away from this country!!
Now bring me Strawhat Luffy!
Yamato: uwah!!
Aramaki: I’ll leave once I take his head!!

Yamato: let’s ask Luffy and the others for help!! They won’t lose to a guy like this!!
Momo: that’s not helpful! I won’t need your help either! Don’t offer it!!

Momo: pant pant
You’ve been locked up on Onigashima almost you entire life!! But now you’re free!!

Page 11
Momo: and that’s why!! I want to send you off!!
Luffy, Zoro and the others…I can’t always count on them for help!!
We have to be able to fend off all enemies on our own!!!
Momo: if we rely on those about to leave!! How can we protect our country in the future?!!
Yamato: Momonosuke-kun!!

Momonosuke: Now go away! Forest monster!! Leave!!!
Aramaki: woah woah acting like a brat now are you…?
To think dragons can be this embarrassing…
Momonosuke: I said, Leave!!!

Page 12-13
Aramaki: Kuohhhhh!!!
Momo: Gyaaaa!! I did it!!!
Denjiro: lord Momonosuke
Denjiro: My lord, that was!!!
Dog: that’s like Kaido’s breath!

Momo: Leave!! Leave!! Leave!!
Aramaki: wait a minute you…(gets blasted second time)

Yamato: that’s amazing! Has he mastered the power of dragon?!
Kawamatsu: he’s not aiming very well!

Page 14
Aramaki: uohhh!!
Damn…was he trying to burn down a town or what?!
If that’s how you want this to go….then fine!
You Kaido Wannabe…I’ll pierce through your entire body from mouth to tail!

Page 15
Aramaki: wahhh!!!
Wait wait!!!
That’s Conqueror’s Haki!! Who the hell are you..?!!
Red Hair Pirates?!! They’re nearby?!

Red Hair Pirates: Boss give us a heads up before doing that!!
The newbies are fainting!

Shanks: Marine, I won’t say you’re being despicable…!!
But targeting the exhausted “young leaves” that just brought changes to the history of pirates….
Shanks: …that’s a bit tasteless if you ask me….

Page 16
Shanks: Is the New Era…really that terrifying to you?!!

Aramaki: I have no intention of fighting you guys!! Not yet….!!
Alright fine!!!

Page 17
Luffy: he’s gone!! Shishishi!!
Sanji: no time for us to shine I guess
Zoro: I’m impressed, Momo…
Jinbe: but that Haki just now was very impressive
Luffy: I know right! Just what was that?
A familiar face popped up in my head.

Editor note: ship sailing toward the open sea
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