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R: Odacchi!! I have a question!! Shimotsuki Yasuie, Shimotsuki Ryuma, Shimotsuki Kozaburo, people with the name of Shimotsuki appearing one after another; do Shimotsuki Village, place where Zoro grew up in, and Zoro’s master Koshiro have something to do with them?! Zoro also said that he was taught “snatch” by an old man in his village, and in the SBS section of vol 92, it was revealed that it originated from East Blue!
By Yuu-kun

O: Yes, you would’ve figured it out if you read carefully. Let me explain!
Shimotsuki Kozaburo(craftman and swords man/master)
He crafted Enma and gifted it to Oden, heir of Kozuki family → went out to sea 55 years ago! → the great adventure of the samurais from Wano!! → arrived at a certain piece of land in East Blue → saved the people from bandits → fall in love while teaching the villager how to use sword → decided to stay, founded a village and named it Shimotsuki → their son, Koshiro, is born → their grandchild, Kuina, is born
And so, the “old man in his village” is actually Shimotsuki Kozaburo from Wano country.
Huh? Could it be...Zoro’s bloodline...?!
That’s all I’ll reveal about the samurai who created Shimotsuki village, Shimotsuki Kozaburo’s story today!! Be-beng!!
Shimotsuki Ryuma bilgisi resmileşti yani iyice. :D Koshiro ve Kuina'nın da Shimotsuki çıkması tatlı oldu. Kaldı Zoro. Onu da, uzaktan gösterdiği ama detaylandırmadığı ve burada da bahsi geçmeyen Ushimaru'ya bağlayacak bence. :D

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